Meet Fellipe do Vale: On Theology, Anthropology, and Ted Lasso


Aug 24 2021 • 35 mins

As the Foreword crew returns for the season three premiere, there are many new things to get excited about. They are back in the on-campus studio, which has a fresh new look. Perhaps most surprisingly of all, Josh unveils his first smartphone and ranks his favorite apps.

We are also introduced to the crew’s newest host, Dr. Fellipe do Vale, who has recently joined the Systematic Theology faculty at TEDS. Each host takes an opportunity to ask Fellipe questions ranging from his favorite TV shows to his research on the theology of gender, from his background living in Brazil and Seattle to what advice he has for ministers looking to navigate many of the truly hard things facing churches today. Along the way, the wisdom of Ted Lasso is invoked for good measure.

After, Fellipe takes over hosting duties and asks the rest of the crew a series of “Would You Rather” questions.

●      Who prefers to live in a tree house over a cave?
●      Who would rather be a reverse centaur than a reverse merman or mermaid?

Listen to find out!

To learn more about Dr. do Vale, visit his faculty page, his list of publications, or simply keep listening to future episodes!