Why Prosperity Gospel Is Dangerous?

FriDudes - Getting Real. Pursuing Truth.

Mar 8 2024 • 9 mins

  • Yes!  You are in!  Noe works his way to the play of the day and he talks about the dangers of the prosperity gospel.  Why do you get sick?  Tough times?  Here you go...
  • Thank you Pastor Noe Garcia, you can find more of that play of the day at the NPHX podcast, entitled "Faith in the Storm" published on the 2nd of March 2024
  • For the avid listeners, you know this.  Yet even the most avid listener needs reminders.  It is why we best keep going to the Word and memorize certain verses for certain situations.  Don't need to know all of it.  Best equip yourself with key pieces of armor along with the sword aka The Word.  Eph 6: 10-18
  • Jesus makes it clear, you follow Him, you will have tough times.  You will have storms.  Matt 7:  24-27
  • Not a follower of Jesus and still having tough times?  Rom 3:23
  • We live on a broken planet.  This life is a test.  You will get experiences of heaven and hell.  Then you will choose where you want to go for eternity.  I view it that simply.  Your choice.  God gives us a choice.
  • While we are on this broken planet, we also have a choice.  Some choose Hope, some don't.  Some choose not to be anxious about anything, Phil 4: 6-7.  Some of us have to work at it harder.  Some of us choose to be content in all circumstances.  Not happy, big difference.  Content that we know there is a purpose for our pain.  Content knowing there is an amazing promise in Rom 8:28.
  • Confession, I don't like pain.  Yet the strongest people that I know have gone through the most pain.  Put that in your comfort pipe and smoke it and ponder for awhile.  You want to be weak or strong?
  • Confession, 20 years of business ups and downs.  Pain on striving to keep up with bills.  Owing, paying taxes.  You can get the rest of that dirt in the summer of 2020 in this podcast series. At times, I question whether I should put a pause on all this?  I turned down an offer to be an elder for my church because of this.  Why do I struggle with this when it comes so easy to you?  I'm not sure, why do you struggle with ______________?  Rom 3:23.
  • So if you are a newer listener, please know I'm not perfect.  Don't even pretend to be.  I need this.  If/when this stops you'll know why...it will most likely either be that or death.
  • For now, I keep going.  Keep praying.  I fall down yet keep getting up to run, to finish the race.  Acts 20:24, 2 Tim 4:7, Gal 6:9.
  • I'll humbly ask for prayers there.  How can we best pray for you?  Let us know at the 'Contact Us' page at FriDudes.com
  • Now, go, love God with all your heart, soul and mind.  Next, love others.  Everything else you are trying to do correctly, hangs on those two.  Matt 22: 36-40