The Dirobi Health Show

Dave Sherwin

The latest in nutrition, exercise, and dietary supplements. Guests include world record holders, documentary film makers, best selling authors, and health experts from all backgrounds and walks of life."Health is the greatest wealth," and this show helps people find those great nuggets, tips and ideas they can implement into their life to achieve their best health.

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Health & FitnessHealth & Fitness


The Essential Role of Protein and Perfect Amino Integration
Apr 10 2024
The Essential Role of Protein and Perfect Amino Integration
Ever wondered how to elevate your athletic prowess with the power of protein? That's exactly what we're unpacking in an episode that's brimming with muscular insights. Your gratitude has reached us from across the globe, and now, it's our turn to give back with a hearty dose of protein wisdom. As we dissect the myths surrounding low-fat and low-carb diets, the spotlight turns to the macronutrient that's often misunderstood yet undeniably crucial for peak performance. Athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone with a pulse – prepare for a nutritional revelation that could redefine your daily plate.This conversation steps up a notch as Dr. David Minkoff, the brains behind Perfect Amino, joins the fray, discussing how this supplement seamlessly fits into a balanced diet. I'll share my own journey of integrating Perfect Amino into my fitness routine, highlighting its convenience and how it could potentially curb your traditional protein binges. Remember, our international family from Fiji to Mongolia has made this show what it is, and your health and success are at the heart of each episode. So grab your earbuds, and let's set sail on a protein-packed quest that might just revolutionize your approach to health and athleticism.Find episode links, notes and artwork at:https://blog.dirobi.comThis show is for informational purposes only. None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Mastering Balance and Proprioception: Enhancing Athletic Performance and Longevity
Feb 23 2024
Mastering Balance and Proprioception: Enhancing Athletic Performance and Longevity
I'll never forget the day I watched helplessly as my wife's grandmother's world changed in an instant, all due to a simple loss of balance. Did you know that our sense of balance is a key to our longevity?Today, we unravel the complex web of factors affecting balance, from medication side effects to the nuanced roles of the vestibular system and vision. Discover the bridge between balance, longevity, and proprioception and learn why Americans might not be as steady on their feet as we'd hope. With practical tips and at-home balance tests, this episode is an essential listen for anyone keen on keeping their equilibrium as they age.As you lace up your sneakers and prepare for your next workout, consider this: balance is an athletic skill that often goes unnoticed until it's at risk. We spotlight easy-to-integrate balance exercises that can transform your fitness routine and safeguard your independence in later years. By modifying simple movements like lunges, we can significantly diminish the likelihood of falls and enhance athletic performance. Join me on this journey into the world of balance and proprioception, where the benefits go far beyond staying on your feet – they're about mastering the art of moving through life with grace and strength.Find episode links, notes and artwork at:https://blog.dirobi.comThis show is for informational purposes only. None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Savoring the Moment: The Life-Changing Power of Mindful Eating
Feb 13 2024
Savoring the Moment: The Life-Changing Power of Mindful Eating
Have you ever tried savoring a single bite of food, blocking out all other distractions? The task is surprisingly tough, yet immensely rewarding. On the latest episode of the Dirobi Health Show, we're stripping back the complexities of everyday life to focus on mindful eating, a practice that offers a plethora of benefits while costing nothing but a bit of attention. I share my adventure into this practice, revealing how, amidst a barrage of daily thoughts, turning my focus to the textures and flavors on my tongue has become a grounding ritual, transforming the way I interact with my meals and, by extension, my overall health.We unravel the research-backed transformation that mindful eating can bring, such as reducing your food intake by 20%, increasing meal satisfaction, and decreasing the frequency of binge eating. I take you through the concept of observing your thoughts like cars on a highway—learning to detach and let them pass without letting them sweep you away. This episode isn't just about savoring your food; it's about changing your relationship with eating, turning each meal into an opportunity for presence and reflection. Tune in and join me on this journey to a more mindful approach to what's on our plates and, ultimately, to a more balanced lifestyle.Find episode links, notes and artwork at:https://blog.dirobi.comThis show is for informational purposes only. None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Fanning the Metabolic Flames: 7 Strategies for Lifelong Energy and a Superfood Secret Revealed
Jan 18 2024
Fanning the Metabolic Flames: 7 Strategies for Lifelong Energy and a Superfood Secret Revealed
Ready to ignite the metabolic furnace within you and sustain that blaze as the years roll on? Let me guide you through a fascinating exploration of our body's energy powerhouse, providing you with seven surefire strategies to stoke your metabolism without resorting to fads or extremes. We'll delve into the importance of the dinner time cut-off for hormonal harmony and the surprising impact of hydration on keeping our metabolic engines finely tuned. This isn't just another health spiel; it's a treasure map to harnessing your body's natural vigor with habits that effortlessly meld into your routine for an invigorated, energized you.Buckle up for a narrative spun from my five-year quest through the universe of greens and reds, where superfood powders abound but few truly shine. After meticulous trial and error and insider access to the nutritional battleground, I've unearthed a gem among the rough—a superfood powder that transcends the fray with unmatched quality and benefits. For those ready to amplify their health game, a special discount awaits, making this nutritional powerhouse an accessible ally in your pursuit of peak vitality. Join me, your fellow traveler on the wellness odyssey, and let’s raise a glass (of superfood-infused water) to our collective health and success.Find episode links, notes and artwork at:https://blog.dirobi.comThis show is for informational purposes only. None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Myth-Busting Bread and Carbs. Yes You Can Eat Bread But...
Jan 8 2024
Myth-Busting Bread and Carbs. Yes You Can Eat Bread But...
Ever wondered how the French can indulge in bread yet maintain their enviable 'joie de vivre'? Join me on a nutritional journey as we unravel the complex tapestry of bread's role in nutrition and health. Reflecting on my own escapades through the charming streets of Paris, I tackle the contrasting views about this age-old staple. We'll sift through the nutritional science of bread, acknowledging its bountiful benefits—fiber, iron, B vitamins—and confront the potential drawbacks of indulging without restraint. With engaging anecdotes and careful analysis, this episode promises to equip you with the knowledge to enjoy bread in harmony with a balanced diet.This bread-centric episode wouldn't be complete without the esteemed input of nutritional experts. They'll guide us through the labyrinth of loaf choices, extolling the virtues of whole grain, sprouted grain, and sourdough breads. Each slice comes with its own set of health boons, from high fiber to a lower glycemic index, ideal for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, you'll get a peek into my personal pantry, discovering the brands and types I swear by, along with tips for those who may find bread a bit harder to digest. We knead to know what we're eating, so let's learn together how to select the best bread for our bodies without compromising on taste.Find episode links, notes and artwork at:https://blog.dirobi.comThis show is for informational purposes only. None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Beyond Weight Loss: Understanding Your Body Type for Optimal Health and Fitness
Nov 24 2023
Beyond Weight Loss: Understanding Your Body Type for Optimal Health and Fitness
What if we told you that weight loss isn't the only path to a healthier body? Prepare for a paradigm shift as we break down the concepts of 'bulk,' 'cut,' and 'recomp,' and their roles in achieving wellness. We'll help you comprehend the uniqueness of your individual body type, whether you're an ectomorph, endomorph, or mesomorph, and explore how genetics can influence your fitness journey. Remember, this isn't about striving for societal standards of perfection; it's about appreciating and working with your body's unique composition.This episode also reminds you that there's more to fitness than just dropping pounds. Whether your goal is gaining muscle, maintaining a healthy body fat percentage, or just feeling more at home in your skin, we're here to guide you. We talk about the importance of individualized diet and exercise plans that respect your body type, and steer clear of one-size-fits-all solutions. To help you even further, we're providing free health coaching for those who need additional support. Tune in, and let's embark on this exciting journey towards a healthier, happier body and mind.Find episode links, notes and artwork at:https://blog.dirobi.comThis show is for informational purposes only. None of the information in this podcast should be construed as dispensing medical advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.