Recovery is a process of decisions Podcast

trent thomas

A weekly episode released every Friday. Recovery is a process  in fact it is a process of decisions. Deciding to recover is to decide to live and not die. Every day choices become decisions, since recovery is a daily process recovery is a process of decisions.  This podcast visits all things recovery. We Deep dive into the recovery lifestyle and how it is maintained. To live life without a drink or a drug. How to recover from life's many hills and valleys. We all live under the universal mandate choices , decisions, consequences or rewards. How to make better decisions and get more rewards and less consequences. We can only do what we know, to do better we must learn better. Find better teachers. In recovery the best teachers have lived experience. Teachers who have walked the walk and now talk the talk. Thus speaks Trent Thomas, a certified peer support specialist.   Follow Trent on his YouTube channel Recovery is a process of decisions. Feel free to leave your inspirational comments on

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You can only do what  you know
4d ago
You can only do what you know
There is much in life I don't know.  I realize  I can't do what I do not know how to do.  Before recovery, I did not know how to live without a drink or a drug. I had to learn how to live life sober.  Life is a daily opportunity to learn what to and what not to do. For me, Life is a learning opportunity, a new daily opportunity to just do better.  Knowing better means doing better and making better decisions. Making better decisions means getting more rewards for good decisions and fewer consequences for bad decisions. To know better we must learn better, from better teachers. In recovery, the best teachers are those with lived experience. Those who have walked the walk now talk the talk, Listen as Trent expounds upon knowing better and making better decisions thus getting better outcomes less consequences, and more rewards.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Recovery is a process of decisions.
Hunter  Biden and the weight of recovery
Mar 1 2024
Hunter Biden and the weight of recovery
Recovery is one decision after another. With each right decision comes the reward of more decisions...The better decision gets better outcomes. More rewards less consequences.   The more rewards lead to getting your life back. Jobs, family, wealth. The manifestations of life. God rewards whom he chooses. The rewards for being a truth seeker merit more and more accomplishments. These achievements add weight to the recovery scale which starts to outweigh the weight of consequences we have been carrying. The rewards of making better decisions soon outweigh the weight of bad past decisions. This weight must be carried. There is no better demonstration of this weight than watching the story of Hunter Biden the president's son. From his story, we learn that addiction does not discriminate. Hunter Biden demonstrates how the weight of recovery affects the entire community in his case the world knows of his story. The world is watching his recovery. His story illustrates how this burden of sustained recovery is watched. As proponents of living a life of recovery, we welcome the watching from the community. In fact, we shout watch me and see that I am better. Better today than yesterday. Our life is a product of what recovery can do. How God's power works in the life of those who choose the truth over the lie of self-deception which is addiction. Through Hunter Biden, we witness the weight that one must carry when living a life rooted in recovery. God never puts more on us than we can bear.     He rewards our efforts with the manifestations of life.  The reward for good work is more work. The reward for living life right is more life. The reward for recovery is better life more rewards less consequences.Recovery is a process of decisions.