Why The Church Must Preach Christ

Grace Bible Church of Conway's Podcast

Apr 27 2024 • 48 mins

Josh Buice's sermon emphasizes the transformative power of the Gospel and the vital role of preaching in the growth and spiritual strength of the church. He opens by referencing his home church and the privilege of preaching on Romans 16:25-27, setting the stage for a deep dive into the text. Buice extols Charles Spurgeon as a model preacher whose ministry was marked by a profound commitment to the Gospel, avoiding gimmicks and focusing on substance.

Buice uses Spurgeon's dedication of the Metropolitan Tabernacle to illustrate a lifelong commitment to centering Christ in preaching, influencing not just his congregation but countless others through his writings. Drawing parallels between Paul’s ministry in Romans and Spurgeon's historical impact, Buice outlines the sermon’s main points: preaching Christ strengthens the church spiritually, grows it numerically, and ultimately glorifies God.

The sermon delves into the theology of Romans, highlighting Paul's focus on the Gospel's power to establish the church and bring believers into a life of obedience to Christ. Buice articulates this through a thorough exegesis of Paul's words, emphasizing that authentic Christian preaching must aim to reveal Christ and His work, rather than succumb to the cultural pressures of entertainment or political correctness.

In conclusion, Buice calls for a return to robust, Christ-centered preaching as the foundation for church health and growth, echoing the reformers' commitment to making the Gospel accessible and central in all church activities. He finishes with a prayer for the church’s faithfulness and a plea for non-believers to embrace the Gospel, reinforcing the sermon's overarching theme of the transformative and enduring power of Christ’s message.