The Aseity of God

Grace Bible Church of Conway's Podcast

May 7 2024 • 29 mins

The sermon "Aseity of God" by Jeffrey Johnson discusses the concept of divine aseity, emphasizing that God is self-sufficient and independent of anything external to sustain His existence. Here is a brief summary of the main points:

1. **Definition of Aseity**: Aseity, derived from the Latin word meaning "from self", describes God as completely self-sufficient and independent. God's existence is undereived, meaning He does not rely on anything outside Himself.

2. **Biblical Foundation for Aseity**: Scripture supports the doctrine of aseity through verses like John 5:26, which states that the Father has life in Himself. Further, God’s self-description to Moses as "I AM" in Exodus 3:14 underscores His eternal, uncaused nature.

3. **Relation to Other Divine Attributes**: Aseity is integral and inseparable from God’s other attributes. For example, God’s sovereignty, omnipotence, and omniscience are manifestations of His self-sufficiency. Aseity is not just a characteristic among others but a foundational aspect that informs all of God’s attributes.

4. **Practical Implications**: Understanding God’s aseity influences our view of human dependency and the nature of existence. It highlights the contrast between God’s completeness and human neediness, guiding believers to depend more profoundly on God for all things.

5. **Theological Significance**: Aseity defines God’s uniqueness as the only self-sufficient being, emphasizing that any dependence on something external would contradict the very nature of God. This attribute also serves as a basis for refuting dualistic or polytheistic religious concepts, affirming the monotheistic view of an all-powerful, sovereign God.

In conclusion, the sermon articulates that aseity is not merely a doctrinal point but central to understanding and relating to God, affecting how believers perceive their relationship with Him and the universe.