Reading And Studying The Old Testament

Grace Bible Church of Conway's Podcast

Mar 29 2024 • 34 mins

In Ryan Bush's sermon titled "Reading And Studying The Old Testament," he emphasizes the importance of understanding and incorporating the Old Testament into Christian faith and daily life, viewing it through the lens of Christ's cross. Bush starts by acknowledging the challenges of engaging with the Old Testament due to its size and the initial impression that it may not directly relate to the New Testament Christian experience. However, he argues that neglecting the Old Testament diminishes the richness of one's faith journey and understanding of God's redemptive narrative.

Bush presents the Bible as a grand story of redemption divided into four thematic parts: Creation, Separation, Preparation, and Reconciliation, focusing on the first three as they pertain to the Old Testament. He provides a succinct overview of each:

1. **Creation**: Highlights the omnipotent power of God as the creator of everything, emphasizing humanity's unique relationship with Him, made in His image, to glorify and love Him.

2. **Separation**: Discusses the fall of Adam and Eve, introducing sin and separation from God into the human experience, underscoring the necessity of a Savior due to the inherent sinfulness and rebellion against God found in humanity.

3. **Preparation**: Covers the extensive period where God prepares a people (Israel) to receive and proclaim the coming Savior, using laws, sacrifices, and prophecies to teach the need for atonement and foreshadow Christ’s sacrifice.

Bush further illustrates how the Old Testament, through these themes, connects to and enriches the understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Creation reveals God's nature, highlighting His sovereignty, eternality, sufficiency, and goodness. The narrative of separation deepens the understanding of sin's gravity, its consequences, and the promise of redemption. Preparation shows God's plan unfolding, the anticipation of a Savior, and the foundation laid for the gospel's full revelation in the New Testament.

Bush urges believers to approach the Old Testament with the cross of Christ in view, which will not only enhance their comprehension of God's character and the depth of human sinfulness but also heighten the anticipation for the rescuer promised throughout the Old Testament narrative. This approach, according to Bush, leads to a more profound love and reverence for God, a deeper repentance for sin, and a stronger reliance on Christ's redemptive work.

He concludes by advocating for a disciplined engagement with the Old Testament, suggesting a Bible reading plan that includes substantial portions of it. By asking what each passage reveals about God, man, and the promise of a Savior, believers can foster a more holistic faith that encompasses the full narrative of Scripture, leading to a life centered on the joy, hope, and worship of God.