The Blood of Christ

Grace Bible Church of Conway's Podcast

May 1 2024 • 30 mins

In the sermon delivered by James Fetterly, he introduces a forthcoming series on the attributes of God, sparking anticipation for deepening understanding among his audience. The sermon then transitions to a focused exploration of the significance of Christ's crucifixion, rooted in the biblical narrative and emphasizing the prophetic declarations Jesus made about his own suffering, death, and resurrection as detailed in various passages from the Gospel of Luke. Fetterly elaborates on the critical theological concept that Christ’s blood, shed on the cross, stands at the core of Christian faith, serving as the means for redemption, propitiation, cleansing, forgiveness, and reconciliation between God and humanity.

He encourages his listeners to delve into Scripture to discover at least ten ways in which Christ’s blood benefits believers, citing examples from Acts, Ephesians, 1 Peter, Romans, Hebrews, and Revelation to illustrate these benefits. The sermon emphasizes the blood of Christ as not only a sacrificial element but also as foundational to the Christian experience of salvation, sanctification, and ultimate communion with God. Fetterly concludes by leading a prayer that acknowledges the profound spiritual and communal implications of Christ's blood, urging reflection on its transformative power in the lives of believers. The sermon serves to prepare the congregation for a deeper engagement with their faith through the upcoming teaching series and reinforces the central role of Christ’s sacrifice in Christian doctrine and personal salvation.