The Spirituality of God

Grace Bible Church of Conway's Podcast

May 13 2024 • 28 mins

Tommy Walls delivered a sermon focusing on the profound and often complex attribute of God's spirituality, a topic deeply rooted in theological study. He emphasized that understanding the spirituality of God is challenging because it transcends our sensory experiences and common understandings.

Walls discussed several of God’s attributes to frame his main point about spirituality:

  1. Omnipotence - God is all-powerful, with every form of power deriving from Him.
  2. Omniscience - God possesses complete knowledge, aware of everything without exception.
  3. Omnipresence - God exists everywhere at all times, unlike humans who are bound to one location at any given moment.

The spirituality of God represents a step beyond these attributes into the realm of the unknown and unseeable. Walls cautioned against conceptualizing God through our sensory or worldly understanding, noting that creating physical representations or idols of God is explicitly forbidden in the scriptures as it limits our perception of His true nature.

Walls illustrated that God’s essence is not composed of physical elements like humans and other material beings; instead, God is a pure being. This pure being is the basis of all existence, not bound by material constraints or visible forms. Importantly, Walls pointed out that God's spirituality is closely tied to the doctrine of the Trinity, which describes God as three persons sharing one essence.

He reinforced the concept of God’s immaterial and infinite nature, suggesting that God's ways and thoughts are far beyond human comprehension. He used scriptural references to support the idea that God does not share the physical or temporal limitations of human beings.

Lastly, Walls addressed the visibility of God through the person of Jesus Christ, describing Christ as the "image of the invisible God" and the means by which humans can come to understand aspects of God’s nature. He concluded with an invitation to deeper knowledge and relationship with God through Christ, who reveals God to humanity.

In essence, Walls’ sermon invited the congregation to reflect on the immense and incomprehensible nature of God, urging a respect for His transcendence while also acknowledging the personal connection offered through Jesus Christ.