The Cross of Christ and The Resurrection

Grace Bible Church of Conway's Podcast

Apr 5 2024 • 32 mins

In this sermon by James Fetterly, the central focus is on Isaiah 53:10, exploring the profound connection between the cross of Christ and His resurrection, emphasizing the necessity of both for the fulfillment of God’s plan for salvation. Fetterly starts by reflecting on the cross's significance, which, without the resurrection, would be devoid of validation, vindication, and affirmation. He credits MacArthur for illuminating this connection, underscoring that the resurrection serves as God's affirmation of Jesus bearing our sins and satisfying divine justice.

Fetterly then shifts to the Apostles Creed, a Trinitarian statement of faith, to highlight the historical and doctrinal continuity of this belief. This creed succinctly encapsulates the Christian faith's core: belief in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the crucial events of Jesus' life—His conception, suffering, death, resurrection, and the eventual resurrection of believers. This, according to Fetterly, illustrates the intertwined nature of suffering and glory, humiliation and exaltation, rooted in the Christian belief.

Delving into Isaiah 53:10 and its context, Fetterly explains how this verse reveals God's sovereign plan—Christ’s suffering and the subsequent glory. This passage demonstrates the dual aspects of Christ's mission: His suffering as an atonement for sins and His exaltation through resurrection, portraying a clear picture of redemption and the hope of eternal life for believers.

Fetterly explores the broader implications of Christ's suffering and resurrection, such as healing from sin and sickness, and the promise of eternal life, emphasizing the comprehensive nature of Christ's work. He disputes alternative explanations for the empty tomb, arguing convincingly for the resurrection's historicity and its central place in Christian faith and theology.

The sermon concludes with a call to faith in Christ, highlighting the promise of resurrection and eternal life for believers—a message of hope and encouragement based on the assurance of Christ’s victory over sin and death, as foretold in Scripture and affirmed through the Apostles Creed. Fetterly’s message is a profound reminder of the cross and resurrection's central role in Christian faith, offering a detailed exposition of biblical prophecy, doctrinal tradition, and the transformative power of Christ’s death and resurrection.