The Cross Of Christ

Grace Bible Church of Conway's Podcast

Apr 26 2024 • 33 mins

James Fetterly's sermon focuses on the significance of Christ's crucifixion and its spiritual implications for believers. He begins by outlining the current series on the cross of Christ, noting that the study will conclude with a discussion on the crucifixion and the observance of the Lord's Supper. Fetterly plans to transition to a series on the attributes of God afterward.

The sermon then shifts to a detailed examination of Luke 23, where Jesus' words from the cross are highlighted. Fetterly discusses the theological and spiritual meanings of Jesus' seven statements from the cross, which encapsulate themes of forgiveness, salvation, compassion, abandonment, human suffering, triumph, and reunion with God. These statements form a comprehensive view of the cross's paradoxical nature—highlighting both the agony and the victory it represents.

Further, Fetterly emphasizes the importance of prayer in Jesus' life and ministry, as depicted throughout the Gospel of Luke. He uses this to encourage the congregation to integrate prayer deeply into their own lives, mirroring Jesus' example. The sermon concludes with a call to reflection and deeper communion with God, urging believers to consider their spiritual practices and the profound lessons of the cross.

Overall, the sermon seeks to enrich believers' understanding of the cross's significance and to inspire a more prayerful, devoted Christian life.