Destiny and the Divine Precision of Synchronicity with Zenith - Part One

Beneath The Surface

Apr 9 2023 • 2 hrs 45 mins

In this episode Hawk Eye is joined by Zenith as they look back on life's tapestry and connect the dots between various points of Initiation and Activation and bear witness to the Orchestration of events that have played out over the course of roughly 10 years of knowing each other - All of which led to the formation of Omniversal Media, as well as the recording of this Two Part episode.  We at Omniversal Media intend to bring in the Key Codes necessary to navigate this Time of Great Transition, and we do that together. This is the first introduction of Omniversal Media's other Team Leaders - You're already familiar with Hawk Eye, but now you get to meet Zenith, an integral part of this Mission. Enjoy.  Don't forget to listen to Part Two as well - This Transmission is quite lengthy, so we broke it up for you. "Your tension will ease. The more you dive into inner work and listening to soul, the more solutions are being shown. You are currently laying down the foundations of a powerful new step of your journey. Feel into it. Sense the path, calmly. The energy is potent but nothing needs to be rushed. You see, your Destiny can’t go by you, and you can’t not meet your Destiny. Breathe. It has your name written all over it." - Sophie Grégoire