The One About Grimoires

That Magick Podcast

Sep 3 2022 • 39 mins

We open our show welcoming our new co-host! Having appeared in many a cold opener in Season 1, Someone is now stepping into the light to co-host the show, smiling and nodding the whole time bringing his unique style to try and make the show a bit more highbrow. Spoilers. It’s not, and now carries an Explicit so there we are.

In this episode we’re talking about grimoires. By the end of the episode, you should hopefully know a little more about what they are, a little potted history about where some of favourite grimoires came from. We also talk about how grimoires, and magick, show up in pop culture. Feel free to check outour articles as these provide more context to the topic. These articles list out the grimoires we love, and the ones that are a bit dumb. Hopefully, you will feel inspired to buy some of these amazing texts! One of our favourite grimoires is the Picatrix. We would invite you all to check it out. We bought our copy from these guys. We're not affiliated with any of the editors of these works, we don't get a commission from talking about these books. We're just pointing you all in the direction of where to go, ya be helpful :)

We apologise for the quality of the video for those watching the vodcast, our first camera let us down so we had to rely on the back-up camera which, as you can see, is entirely rubbish. But we DO get better at pressing the right buttons and remembering we are on camera as the season progresses. Just bear with us for the first one!

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