32 | Why I “Disappeared” for 3 Months & What the Lord Is Teaching Me!

UNABRIDGED FAITH™, Biblical Mindset, Motherhood, Encouragement, Rest

Jul 23 2023 • 13 mins

Aloha & GoodMorning Sweet Mama's!!

My family & I are ALIVE & well, Praise God!!

We are so looking forward to welcoming our baby girl home in October, but in all honesty, the first 20 weeks were incredibly rough & I needed to lay down a few things at Jesus's feet (this podcast being one of them) in order to rest in His embrace & continue serving in a sustainable way!!

Holy Spirit has been so sweet to lead me into various seasons of excitement, followed by rest & I now gladly receive His invitations to do so!!

There is so much life covered in this catch up episode & I hope & pray that you are encouraged (stay tuned until the end for EXCITING NEWS)!!


All my love always,

Your Sister,


Connect | unabridgedfaith@gmail.com

Coaching | Unabridged Faith Freedom Session

Course Available NOW!! | unabridgedfaith@gmail.com