Make Smart Sexy


Being Smart is the new sexy. Intelligence is always in style. The Make Smart Sexy show portrays an enlightening and light-hearted look on wellness; social, physical, emotional and mental in bite-sized manner. Passionate and Curious Coach Karen engages everyday humans and experts in their field to share their knowledge and experience whether it is positive psychology, spirituality, wellness, movement, nutrition, behavior change, coaching techniques, neuroscience, brain, stress or other countless topics that any human can relate, the insights you get here will empower you and make you smarter for life. read less
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MSS 07: Lifestyle Medicine - the new paradigm in Primary Healthcare with Guest Dr. Foong
Feb 17 2024
MSS 07: Lifestyle Medicine - the new paradigm in Primary Healthcare with Guest Dr. Foong
"Lifestyle Medicine - the new paradigm in Primary Healthcare" In this episode, my guest Dr. Foong Tsin Uin and I talk about Primary Healthcare  particularly Lifestyle Medicine -  a rapidly growing field of medicine that uses evidence-based lifestyle interventions to prevent, treat and manage chronic diseases. If you ask people what Primary Healthcare is, most shrug or respond "direct healthcare?" To be honest, not many people know what it is let alone understood it. Are Singaporeans getting the kind of healthcare we need? Well, in this episode, I am delighted to have Dr. Foong share with us the concept of it and introduce the medical approach of Lifestyle Medicine. Dr. Foong is the Director and Chief Medical Officer of Osler Health International. Her team of international doctors have looked after the global community of Singapore for many years. Dr. Foong obtained her medical degree from Royal Free & UCL Medical School in London in 2000. She went to complete her postgraduate training in general practice in London, earning her membership with the Royal College of General Practitioners (UK) in 2006. Later on, she underwent further training and obtained a Diploma in Dermatology from Cardiff University in 2012.Her practice within the international community in Singapore over the last 7 years has seen her practice grow as she delivers a holistic style approach to family practice – in particular looking after children from newborns upwards, and also in the field of mental health. Passionate about providing preventative health for Osler Health patients, Dr. Foong is also a member of the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine. Diving into the heart of what it truly means to progress and come together as a society in Singapore. she challenges the conventional wisdom that primary care providers and preventive approaches are always aligned. Dr. Foong introduces Osler Health Services and their uniqueness as a primary care provider. At the core of our discussion is the concept of coaching in healthcare. Dr. Foong illuminates the distinction between a 10 minute and a 45 minute consultation. She introduces us to personalized healthcare right in the first consultation which is one of a kind that makes Osler different. This episode takes you to understanding the importance of one's health and the accessibility of Primary Healthcare as well as the new paradigm - Lifestyle Medicine. Dr. Foong advocates self-advocacy in healthcare which means that you are a participant in your own healthcare, working in partnership with doctors, and allied health professionals. Seeing the relationship with your health care team as a partnership helps make you part of decision-making and the management of your diagnosis and treatment. Prepare to be inspired and challenged as Dr. Foong guides us into the path of true healthcare reform. It is a worthy listen! Connect with Osler Health at: Foong at: sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes:Apple PodcastBuzzsproutDeezerListen Notes Google Podcast Podcast AddictPodchaser StitcherSpotifySupport the show
S3 MSS 05: Exploring the World of Ultramarathon, Digital Nomading and Entrepreneurship with Elizabeth Koh
Dec 15 2023
S3 MSS 05: Exploring the World of Ultramarathon, Digital Nomading and Entrepreneurship with Elizabeth Koh
Elizabeth is an avid traveler and an outdoor sports enthusiast who describe herself as an Explorer of the World. It is really an epic introduction for a 21 year old young lady who is not only intune with nature but also with people from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities. We explore her journey as an Ultramarathoner, her passion in such an arduous sport; her insightful tips of starting such a sport and much more!She recently became  a Certified Personal Trainer with the National Council on Strength & Fitness. She is passionate about helping individuals achieve their strength and endurance goals, whether that be hitting a particular weight in the gym or running their first marathon.Her fitness journey began when she started the sport of adventure racing in high school. Pushing her body to its physical limits in a team taught me that it is possible to unlock so much more potential when working with others. The opportunity to race on some of the most beautiful terrains she has ever experienced also taught her the importance of enjoying one’s fitness journey.  Her 5 year battle with hypothalamic amenorrhea (absence of menstrual periods) taught her about holistic health and sustainable habits. She hopes to empower her clients to be the best version of themselves across the various dimensions of health.It's a worthy listen!  Also, she is opened to virtual trainings so wherever you are is no problem for her to train!Get in touch with her today either email or linkedin: is lizkoh02@gmail.comBe sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes:Apple PodcastBuzzsproutDeezerListen Notes Google Podcast Podcast AddictPodchaser StitcherSpotifySupport the show
S3 MSS 04: Wellness Coaching Demo with Simon Matthews
Nov 14 2021
S3 MSS 04: Wellness Coaching Demo with Simon Matthews
Simon is a Psychologist and Fellow of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine. He is Board Certified in Health Coaching and Lifestyle Medicine. He’s the CEO of Wellcoaches® Australia and Wellcoaches® Singapore founded on the Wellcoaches School of Health Coaching.He is an Adjunct Lecturer at Avondale College University Lifestyle Medicine & Health Research Centre and is on teaching faculty with Wellcoaches USA. Simon is also Director of Coaching for First in Wellness LLC, whose mission is to improve the health, well-being and resilience of first responders. He’s the Chief Psychologist – Director of Program and Learning Development for Likevekt Helse, which equips Norwegian companies to support the health and wellbeing of their employees.In addition, Simon is a Director of the US not-for profit Global Positive Health Institute, which seeks to support healthcare and other organisations by bringing together the disciplines of Lifestyle Medicine and Positive Psychology. He is also a Director of the Australian not-for-profit Practice Excellence Institute which seeks to support health care organisations to provide high quality healthcare to their communities.Simon consults nationally and internationally in the areas of health coaching, behaviour change, positive psychology and lifestyle medicine. He presents at national and international conferences on health coaching and the psychology of behavioural change.  He has published and writes regularly about these topics also and is a popular podcast guest.I am excited to have him back and in this episode, you will get to hear one of the world's best coaches and I demonstrate an example of wellness coaching using some elements of motivational interviewing and implementing SMART goals techniques. We demoed and paused in bits to discuss so that you will get to comprehend on a better scale. Have an open heart, lean in and take notes.  It is a worthy listen!Connect with Simon Matthews LinkedIn profile is Be sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes:Apple PodcastBuzzsproutDeezerListen Notes Google Podcast Podcast AddictPodchaser StitcherSpotifyPeople don’t know how much you care until they know how much you care.John HanleyDoing motivational interviewing is like entering their home. One should enter with interest, respect, kindness and affirm what is good and refrain from providing any unsolicited advice about how to arrange the furniture. Kamilla VennerSupport the show
S3 MSS 03: How to Improve Your Overall Wellbeing with Dr. Maleena
Nov 7 2021
S3 MSS 03: How to Improve Your Overall Wellbeing with Dr. Maleena
Wellbeing is not just the absence of disease or illness. It is a complex combination of a person’s physical, emotional, social and mental health factors. On today’s show, Dr. Maleena, a strong wellbeing advocate shared her nuggets of wisdom on ways of improving one’s betterment of wellness. I am excited to talk more about this with Dr. Maleena Suppiah Cavert. Dr. Maleena is currently a Chief Wellbeing Officer with the National University Health System of Singapore. She helms undergraduate, postgraduate (Residency) clinical education and continuing medical education at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital. She has also headed staff wellbeing and mental health initiatives at NUHS, collaborating with counterparts in the healthcare sector and the Ministry of Health since 2018.  Where humanity and compassion are lacking in healthcare, Maleena tries to restore these fundamental practices through training.  She is a certified MBSR (Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction) facilitator and works closely with healthcare staff and medical students to enhance resilience and combat burnout at the National University of Singapore and the National University Hospital Singapore, Maleena serves on the Executive Committee of WISH – Women in Science & Healthcare – looking to uphold and advance workplace Diversity and Inclusion. Maleena is also a board director at ALife, a non-profit organisation that assists unsupported mothers and their children. Maleena graduated from King’s College, London and went on to pursue an MBA at ESSEC Business School in Paris. Her doctoral thesis was on empathy and healthcare. She has worked in France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, and Singapore, thus having the opportunity to experience and enact cross-cultural humanism and compassion. Here are more of the details from our interview: -          What’s wellbeing-          The role of 8 pillars of wellbeing and how you can support it-          Are organic foods necessary -          Understanding the importance of different types of diets -          Creating a certain balance with diets -          The power of hugs – give someone a hug today! (family only)-          The connection between resiliency and mental wellbeing -          Foods and Lifestyle practices to optimize and enhance overall wellbeing -          Are we neglecting happiness?-          Understanding happiness as a process and not a destination-          Too many Singaporeans associate success with happiness. Is that a good thing?-          Importance of lifestyle medicine -          Exploring your state of equanimity through various means  So listen in, take good notes, and implement the tips that resonate with you!Connect with Dr. Maleena Suppiah Cavert LinkedIn profile sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes:Apple PodcastBuzzsproutDeezerListen Notes Google Podcast Podcast AddictPodchaser StitcherSpotifySupport the show
S3 MSS 02: What Is Positive Psychology And Its Interventions?
Jun 24 2021
S3 MSS 02: What Is Positive Psychology And Its Interventions?
What is Positive Psychology?How is it different from Traditional Psychology?According to Wikipedia, Positive Psychology is the scientific study of what makes life most worth living, focusing on both individual and societal well-being. Positive Psychology has been described in many ways and with many words, but the commonly accepted definition of the field is this: “Positive psychology is the scientific study of what makes life most worth living” (Peterson, 2008).To push this brief description a bit further, positive psychology is a scientific approach to studying human thoughts, feelings, and behavior, with a focus on strengths instead of weaknesses, building the good in life instead of repairing the bad, and taking the lives of average people up to “great” instead of focusing solely on moving those who are struggling up to “normal” (Peterson, 2008).As a field, Positive Psychology spends much of its time on topics such as resilience, happiness, flourishing, gratitude, compassion, self-esteem, self-confidence, hope and wellbeing. On today's show, Jana, a Wellness Consultant and Lecturer at the School of Positive Psychology of Singapore dive into what makes us thrive. I hope this episode helps you learn about the usefulness and science of wellbeing on a slightly deeper level and its effectiveness about positive psychology. Understanding your current emotional state and overall wellbeing will empower you to work towards a better state and empower you to flourish either at work or at home. It is imperative in this pandemic period. So listen in, take good notes, and implement the tips that resonate with you!In this episode you will discover:The importance of Positive PsychologyBenefits of Positive Psychology in workplace and homeCommon issues we humans deal with Positive Psychology Interventions What is negativity biasHow 1 person's facial expressions  can affect your emotional state instantly How to overcome the negativity bias from that 1 person(s)To learn more about today's speaker Jana Dawson, please visit the following sites: sure to  subscribe to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes:Available on Spotify, Apple and Google.To know more about my coaching services, check out  Enjoy! Coach Karen Support the show
S2 MSS 09: Breathing Techniques for optimal brain health 3-1-6 & 4-7-8
Feb 23 2021
S2 MSS 09: Breathing Techniques for optimal brain health 3-1-6 & 4-7-8
Breathing is easy. Yeah right! If breathing were easy, then why do most people have trouble with breathing? As in they just don't know how to breathe properly. Do you know how to breathe properly? What does it even mean? I am breathing well inhaling through my nose and exhaling through my mouth, correct? Yes, you are partially right!In this episode, let's explore breathing. You will discover the HOWs to: Breathe properly Deep breathing helps to relieve stress Use of different types of breathing techniques Focus on breathing Have you noticed when you are breathing, your mind tends to wander? You are probably wondering why. Of course our minds wander hence we have automatic thoughts. How do you bring your mind back though? How do you really just focus on your breathing? Well, the key part is to focus on something that is associated with breathing? I mention using a single word adjective in your breathing technique. When you are breathing, what are you inhaling? Air of course. Right. What is it for? Breathing has so many amazing benefits when we center our minds to know what the intention is. It is therefore important to be really specific what we want to receive into our bodies and what we want out of our bodies. If you are experiencing pain, how do you want the breathing to help? You want to be able to feel relaxed and possibly pain free afterwards, right? When  I heard of Doc Daniel Amen's EP on breathing with 3-1-6 technique, the holy spirit impressed upon me John 3:16. If we could just receive salvation through this breathing technique. Well, on hindsight, you can if you say the sinner's prayer while you breathe. Enjoy this episode and breathe alongside with me. Be sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes:- Apple- Stitcher- Google- Audible (latest)- iHeart- Buzzsprout Support my show ( Support the show
S2 MSS 02: What is Health & Wellness Coaching & How Lifestyle Medicine Coaching can transform your life- With Guest Simon Matthews
Oct 9 2020
S2 MSS 02: What is Health & Wellness Coaching & How Lifestyle Medicine Coaching can transform your life- With Guest Simon Matthews
The origination of the term 'Coaching' started in the later part of the 1880s. This term has been mostly associated with the sports profession through its varied forms. The first thought which rushes to our mind when we think about coaching is about sports coaching.So if you are looking for a coach; not a sports coach but a health and wellness coach in particular, you will hopefully get some insights about coaching. Today’s guest, Simon Matthews, the CEO of Wellcoaches Australia and a Psychologist and I are diving into coaching and lifestyle medicine coaching. In today’s episode you will discover:What is coaching What isn’t coachingHow are the principles and framework of health and wellness coaching differ from other types of coaching How can coaching bring about transformational change What are the techniques of coachingWhat is behavioural changeShould everyone have a coach What is lifestyle medicine and Is it similar to holistic lifestyleBehaviour change is typically a product of motivation not education. Coach the person and not the problem. In coaching, there are certain techniques that coaches use: Motivational InterviewingSelf-determination theory Transtheoretical theory of behaviour change Motivational interviewing (MI) is a counseling approach developed in part by clinical psychologists William R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick. It is a directive, client-centered counseling style for eliciting behavior change by helping clients to explore and resolve ambivalence.Self-determination theory (SDT) is a macro theory of human motivation and personality that concerns people's inherent growth tendencies and innate psychological needs. It is concerned with the motivation behind choices people make without external influence and interference.The TTM is not a theory but a model; different behavioral theories and constructs can be applied to various stages of the model where they may be most effective. The TTM posits that individuals move through six stages of change: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination.Items mentioned in this episode:Connect with Simon Matthews LinkedIn profile is Be sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes:Apple PodcastBuzzsproutDeezerListen Notes Google Podcast Podcast AddictPodchaser StitcherSpotifyPeople don’t know how much you care until they know how much you care.John HanleyDoing motivational interviewing is like entering their home. One should enter with interest, respect, kindness and affirm what is good and refrain from providing any unsolicited advice about how to arrange the furniture. Kamilla Venner              Support the show
S2 MSS 01: Why Stretching Is Bad
Oct 8 2020
S2 MSS 01: Why Stretching Is Bad
Why do we think that stretching could solve our problems? Very rarely does someone get better by doing a certain stretch. Don’t get me wrong. I am NOT against stretching. In fact, stretching can be good for us when it is done correctly and mindfully. We are just trying to stretch a certain area that feels tight and thinking that if we stretch enough then that tight muscle will loosen up. Right? Well, it isn’t true! Static stretching before exercise can cause damage to the tissue. You’re inhibiting nerve contraction, so it’s not going to fire as quickly to tell the muscle to contract and perform.If a muscle is tight then there is a good chance that it is also weak and that is where the problem lies. A weak muscle will tighten up to try and create stability then it will cause discomfort and a lot of times pain because it never releases. Back pain will never get better by stretching the back, and shoulder pain will never get better by stretching the shoulder. And hip pain will never get better by stretching the hips. For instance. Knowing you have tight hip flexors is one thing. Knowing how to fix tight hip flexors is another challenge altogether. I know right! Isn’t this common sense? Mhmhm not at all! First of all, hip flexors is a hard area to reach. If you see how the psoas is attached within your body, it’s buried deep inside your core making it too tough to access. It’s a hard muscle to find, let alone train so it’s no surprise it requires more than a simple static hip flexor stretch to fix it. Sorry to burst your bubble - no amount of stretching is going to help you! Allow me to give you 3 specific movements beyond simple static stretching you can use to unlock and loosen your hips, legs and back. Dynamic stretching examples are high knees, butt kicks or travelling lunges. Why? Cos you are activating the muscle around a joint and moving that joint through its full range of motion in a progressive manner. This leads to an increased range of motion, warming up of the muscle around the joint and improved circulation around the joint. Mobility exercises are movements from one point to another. You are helping the joint function optimally which allows a joint to move more freely. 3D core stability exercises target the muscle in all planes of movement so the core and abdominal muscles have good activation, endurance and strength in all planes of movement. This leads to a decrease in unnecessary damaging stress on joints. Now that you know what is effective, it is important to do the movements in the right order as this unravels all the tissues including muscle, fascia, connective tissue, and the joint capsule while breaking up scar tissue. So in summary, dynamic stretch and strengthen is when the magic happens. In my next episode I will cover the types of stretches to do and NOT to do before running so pls subscribe to my podcast for new episode notification. If you would like to know more about movement and mobility program, please visit my website at to schedule a discovery call with me. Till then, stay safe and move smart.Love you Coach Karen Support the show
MSS 09: Uncovering Awkward Social Cues & Autism Spectrum Disorder With Guest Anna Marie
Jun 27 2020
MSS 09: Uncovering Awkward Social Cues & Autism Spectrum Disorder With Guest Anna Marie
Social cues are the signals people send through body language and expressions. When kids miss social cues, they can misunderstand people and situations. In this episode, my guest Anna Marie who is a Board Certified Applied Behaviour Analyst and I discuss autism spectrum disorder and high functioning type such as Asperger in children and adults. Anna Marie and her team in Staten Island, New York, United States work with children who have autism. Anna Marie talks about applied behaviour therapy. It is an umbrella term for types of therapy that treat mental health disorders such as ADHD, depression, anxiety to mention a few. This form of therapy seeks to identify and help change potentially self-destructive or unhealthy behaviors. It functions on the idea that all behaviors are learned and that unhealthy behaviors can be changed. She also talks about the differences between applied behaviour therapy and cognitive behaviour therapy. So, parents please pay attention to this brilliant episode as Anna Marie shares certain tips and strategies which prove to be highly effective should you encounter such issues with your children or friends who have autistic children.According to a recent study, 1 in 150 Children in Singapore Has Autism. One in 150 children here has autism, a higher rate than the World Health Organisation's global figure of one in 160 children. This comes as more pre-schoolers here get diagnosed with developmental issues.What are the principles of ABA?Anna Marie shared that the basic principles of ABA consist of environmental variables that impact behavior. These variables are antecedents and consequences. Antecedents are events that happen right before the behavior, and a consequence is the event following the behavior.And, 1 technique is Springer's Operant Conditioning. Operant conditioning occurs when a consequence (positive or negative reinforcement or punishment) is paired or ceases to be paired with a behavior and it increases or decreases the likelihood that behavior will recur.Enjoy this episode!To learn more about Anna Marie: sure to subscribe to this podcast to receive new episodes automatically and it is available on Apple, Google, Stitcher, Spotify, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Deezer and Listen Notes.To learn more about me, do check me out at: Karen  Support the show
MSS 08: Building Successful Habits & Unlocking Limiting Belief in Times of Crisis With Guest Bobby Cappuccio
May 20 2020
MSS 08: Building Successful Habits & Unlocking Limiting Belief in Times of Crisis With Guest Bobby Cappuccio
We are in the thick of a complicated and uncharted time of human history. Aside from the devastating effects of the virus, many individuals are finding themselves distressed, not exercising and losing a sense of control. In this episode my guest Bobby Cappuccio and I discuss the power of habits; how to build good ones and break bad ones most especially in this pandemic times. Bobby shares how he copes during this unprecedented time, his morning routine and rituals for maintaining his sanity and health from home. We are all at home but on some level we are all in this together. Find what you can do and not what you can't do. What is your ritual? Bobby gives a neuro-scientific behavior and breakdown on what a habit is and what is not a habit. He also gives an incredible value that you utilize to understand why we need to form habits and the values we need to uphold as well as superficial pay offs in the future. You are going to learn what are the 3 elements of a habit and types of rewards. Bobby will unpack the mystery of certain habit patterns which are linked to our neurotransmitters. Why giving up a habit is not good and how does a certain habit formation affect our emotional state. What is your belief system?Bobby assures us that it is OK to have negative emotions and there is actually no such thing as negative emotions most especially in this pandemic times. He definitely provides many valuable nuggets so hope you find it valuable too. What is one thing that you could do and what is the consistent behavior? Write down on a piece of paper instead of remembering it. Then, take an action. This impacts your psychological duress. Actions begets action!Enjoy this episode!To learn more about Bobby: sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes: Apple podcasts, Stitcher and Spotify. To learn more about me, do check me out at: Karen Support the show
MSS 06: God Said Stop
May 12 2020
MSS 06: God Said Stop
In this episode, I talk about faith and how God uses distance to get us closer with Him. I chanced upon Pastor Steven Furtick’s sermon dated April 20th 2020 titled “God uses distance.” He said God uses distance to get us deeper into our faith. Pastor Steven Furtick is the founder and lead pastor of Elevation church based in charlotte, north Carolina. He came to new creation church where I worship in Singapore on July 8th 2018. I love his dynamic preaching. He is such an anointed Pastor. What should our faith be in this pandemic time?In fact, all of us have faith. Do check out Joyce Meyer Ministries and Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church. In this episode, you will discover how God wants to connect with us in a deep way that we never expected. Like right now, is your anxiety and fear taking your mind captive? God said STOP to your terrorist of anxiety and fear. God uses distance. God sometimes uses distance to get us deeper into our faith.   Connection is about depth and not about breadth. We are in the midst of this pandemic times. We are in the middle of this road and we are walking in it. All of us are going through it. The world is going through it. God shuts down everything. God said STOP. God wants us to stop and connect with Him. Thank you so much for checking out this episode and hope this episode blesses you. If you have not done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of my show on Apple Podcast. So if you are looking to have a chat, book a 15 min. discovery call with me and I would love to chat with you. Please visit my website and book a complimentary call with me at: youCoach Karen Support the show