02. A Firm Foundation for Marriage — God's Way

Living Above the Noise

Aug 28 2023 • 23 mins

Solid ground in a family begins with God’s design for marriage.  He has a better plan for than we do!
He designed it, He gives grace for us to fulfill our role in it, and He uses it for the creation of future generations.

Selfish expectations in marriage will crush both you — and your husband.
We probably all do this to some degree - but it’s best to be more pragmatic.  More realistic.  More biblical.

When we set our standards so high or we look to our marriage (or kids or our perfect house and schedule, or our job) to make us happy - we’re going to be sorely disappointed.  Perfect happiness wasn’t God‘s intention for marriage.

Marriage takes lots of work over the long haul — but to build a strong relationship we need to see the purpose behind God’s design.  Our relationship with our husband will go a whole lot smoother when we understand this.

We’re being sanctified and God’s using marriage as one of His tools.

Marriage perfectly depicts this statement, “Slow growth with long term benefits!”

He wants our surrender, our obedience - He wants our growth.  He wants us growing more into the likeness of His Son - every day. And what a better way to do that than living with another human - every day!

So, let’s enjoy the journey.

Let’s build a better relationship with that man God destined to be your partner for life.

And let’s have a bit of fun along the way!

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