08. A Family Mission Statement Is A Compass For Life

Living Above the Noise

Nov 16 2023 • 54 mins

Your choices determine how you spend your life — the influence you bring into the life of your family — and your family’s impact on your community and the world.

You only have today!

How are you spending it?

How are your kids spending it?

The world is tempting you with too many ideas and wrong motives for how to live this one life you have.

Your kids are listening.  Will they be able to ignore it?  Not without some help from you!

And that’s where the family mission statement comes in.

I believe with a mission — a vision in mind — you'll get much closer to your hopes and dreams than if you have nothing on your radar.

Armed with a vision for your family, you’ll get closer to God’s best.

As you imagine where you want to be in 5 or 10 or 20 years, that picture in your mind will help you filter the future choices you’ll need to make.

Imagine having a plan in place - a mission or vision for where you want to head…undergirding it with the values and beliefs you hold dear.

Imagine not having to come up with every decision on the fly because you already have an image in place.

Can you see how many decisions would be easier if you had your view of life in mind?

Knowing your values and beliefs help sift out the rubble, the unnecessary - and keeps you focused.

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