Living Above the Noise

Terry Covey

Do you want:

  • a strong marriage?
  • kids who can think for themselves and stay true to their faith?
  • a comfortable and welcoming home?

Together we'll discover the beautiful possibilities for family life!

I’m following Titus 2:5-8 — where Paul exhorts older women to teach “the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, and to manage their home well.”

I'll equip you to think and live biblically — and offer inspiration to step into your life as a wife, mom, and home manager with intention and trust .

I’m Terry Covey: — Mom of 10 adults — Grandmomma to 23 — Married for 43 years — Home Educated for 30 years.
So I have lots of hard-won lessons to help you find JOY in this tiring and oftentimes confusing job of being "mom."

Whether you're not a mom yet, have one child or a dozen, stick around!
We'll discuss blending traditional with outside-the-box ideas — for raising kids who are able to stand on their own and think for themselves in a world that's easy to get lost in.

There truly is freedom in living above the noise!

Find me on: Instagram / Facebook / X - (Twitter)

Website, Blog, Products, Coaching/Mentoring

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Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


14.  The Secret to Enjoying Your Children
Mar 28 2024
14. The Secret to Enjoying Your Children
Did you know that some women have a hard time enjoying their kids?  It's especially difficult in a world that doesn't love children. This topic might seem unusual to you — especially if you don’t struggle with it — but that’s not the case for a lot of mommas.   If you’re someone who does -  take a deep breath, you’re not alone!  Do you sometimes wonder about how parenting and joy can coexist? You know, the noise, the mess, the constant teaching, the getting into your stuff, the questions, being on call 24/7.  How in the world do you enjoy that? Well listen in!    Reward and compensation dictate our current culture.  You've got to "feel it" — "be passionate" about it — or "love" it or it must not be worth the effort. Money, a degree, and "likes" to social media posts → it's wired us to need to see a good result. And raising kids doesn't fit that mold!  Kids are like a 20 year experiment where all you can do it try and try again — hoping the vision you have works out. But don't fear!  There is hope.  With God there always is!   Listen in for some surprising statistics on marriage and birth rates and how they reflect our changing times.  Consider how they don't reflect God's view on marriage and children.  Then move onto gaining awareness of what and how you're feeling — then begin using it to gain perspective of your situation.  This is a game-changer for enjoying your kids.Look to God's Word to wisdom and truth in your role in the life God gave you.  There you will find grace and strength to love the life you've been given.Download my 10 Tips for Finding Joy in Your Children to help you gain new perspective to enjoy your kids! If you like what you hear, please follow and leave a comment to help others find me! Find me here:  Instagram /  Facebook /  X - (Twitter) Website, Blog, Products, Coaching/Mentoring
12. The Fear Of Planning Is Real!
Jan 23 2024
12. The Fear Of Planning Is Real!
Fear could be holding you back from accomplishing your goals and dreams for your family, your home, and your life.   You can gain control of what feels out of control.   Caring for a family of 12, taught me to build schedules into my life.  To find the most streamlined way to accomplish tasks — even though I had a fear of planning.  I had always used a calendar or planner - but I didn’t use it to plan.  But 9 years ago, life was shifting and I realized I needed to actually plan my life!  And I created my own planner challenge.  It literally changed my life.  It helped me gain control of what felt out of control.   Wake up to the possibility of taking charge of your day and activities — of watching your responsibilities get accomplished.     God made us unique and with differing needs.    Some of you are planners — you love schedules, to do lists, and all the bells and whistles of getting it all done! And some of you have a fear of planning.  That feeling when you're about to fill out your planner for the week and you're gripped with panic — the fear that comes from not knowing what to put on your to-do list? You feel the tension of putting something on the wrong day, risking it won't get done.  And the sense of failure when things don't get done — again    You can feed your insecurities and fears — or you can seek help and find tools to help you overcome them.  I want you to find freedom to make plans and see the growth and productivity that comes from it. And the only way through the struggle - is through the struggle!   The secret to being content is knowing we're not in control.  Each day you have more control than you want — just not total control!   You have to begin to find your sweet spot. Then you’ll see some level of success. You’ll learn to get comfortable with not getting it all done.   Life Happens - But here's the thing — because we live in a more complicated world than we used to, there’s so many distractions and so many opportunities it’s really important to know: what to do every day — you need a plan — and that starts with having goals.  how to turn goals into reality, you have to list out the necessary tasks.  To get those tasks done, they need to go on a calendar, preferably on a specific week or day!   Be flexible.     Don't stress.        Plan anyway. Envisioning a better day — a great life — a healthy relationship will move you forward.   ➡️  Don't let the Fear of Planning stop you.  It will take work.  It will require that you trust and move forward anyway.  But it’s well worth it!  I pray your year produces joy and success — in your way and your timing! Find me here:  Instagram /  Facebook /  X - (Twitter) Website, Blog, Products, Coaching/Mentoring
06.  So Many Choices! - Two Ingredients for Making Better Decisions
Oct 17 2023
06. So Many Choices! - Two Ingredients for Making Better Decisions
Today we’ll be talking about choices — how you can gain clarity when it comes to the decisions you have to make.   Studies suggest we make about 35,000 decisions each day. You can make peace with your options and have a clear picture of your goals.   Gain a solid sense of God’s love and care for you as you seek His will in and among all the noise.    This episode will: Cause you to think about the possibilities in your life - some you might need to say no to…and maybe some exciting ones.Give you permission to make a choice you’ve been putting off.Help you realize your responsibility for the outcome.  Remind you of God’s grace - and how to take a bit more thought and prayer next time!    Every choice is going to have rewards or consequences — like ripples that fan out to your future and your kids and their kids.   As a Christian, you have two important factors to keep in mind when you’re making choices. 1. You ultimately can trust God.  You don’t have to fret and worry about your decisions - you can trust God with our future. 2. When you know what you believe - what you believe in - what you believe about God, you are more free to make the choices you believe in!     Psalm 37:4 says to “Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart.” Delight in God’s goodness – and the desires of your heart will line up with His desires — which keeps your choices in line, too!   Trusting God helps you stand against your temptation to covet, worry, or complain.   Your choices set you apart as a kingdom woman.   Two ingredients for wise decision making:  Trusting God Knowing what you believe   What choices will you make to spend it preparing for a better tomorrow – a better future? Find me here:  Instagram /  Facebook /  X - (Twitter) Website, Blog, Products, Coaching/Mentoring
05. The Freedom That Comes From Discovering God's Value For You
Oct 3 2023
05. The Freedom That Comes From Discovering God's Value For You
We're setting one important foundation today — the cornerstone for your life as a woman.   I believe when you see your VALUE from God’s eyes — you can move into the life He’s given you with confidence.  Which also helps you live above the noise of the world around you!   It's so important for you to discover and embrace your unique identity and value as the woman you are.  When you wake up in the morning do you wonder if what you’re doing is worth anything.  Is this work you’ll do today valued by anyone?Do you wonder - “Am I worth anything?" We start believing there's no other way to feel about ourselves or to make progress in life — but to see ourselves through our own or another’s eyes.  But there is a better way!   It’s time we each look at the true value of a woman — your true value given by God — what He considers imperishable and precious. Be who you were created to be — not by the world’s ideas or your friends or what’s most popular on Pinterest.  Take time to discover what’s best for you and for your family.    It takes deep thought to see where your heart really lies!  To see what you’re using to create your value in life.  And to understand that God wants you to discover your value to Him and in Him! We usually pay attention to what God did, but pay extra attention to why He did it! There's a side of God you may have forgotten.  He loves YOU. He cares for YOU.  He has plans to use YOU on this earth.  His love for YOU transcends your love for Him.  It goes way beyond anything you can imagine!   We were called to be like Mary sitting at Jesus feet, yet we still have the jobs of Martha to be busy about — being a keeper at home — managing our life — and loving our family well — but to do that well, we’ve got to make time to sit at Jesus feet.   When you know God’s immense love, you’ll stand taller and look more keenly to Him to determine your worth and work and value.   You need discernment!  With all the voices of the world in our pocket every hour of every day — it’s much harder to escape.  So the need is pressing for you to filter what you hear.   This will let you see how God and His word are your framework and foundation for worth and worthiness in all of life! And because your family your most important responsibility this side of heaven, you’ll be able to pass that onto your husband and kids!   Find me here:  Instagram /  Facebook /  X - (Twitter) Website, Blog, Products, Coaching/Mentoring
02. A Firm Foundation for Marriage — God's Way
Aug 28 2023
02. A Firm Foundation for Marriage — God's Way
Solid ground in a family begins with God’s design for marriage.  He has a better plan for than we do!  He designed it, He gives grace for us to fulfill our role in it, and He uses it for the creation of future generations. Selfish expectations in marriage will crush both you — and your husband.  We probably all do this to some degree - but it’s best to be more pragmatic.  More realistic.  More biblical.   When we set our standards so high or we look to our marriage (or kids or our perfect house and schedule, or our job) to make us happy - we’re going to be sorely disappointed.  Perfect happiness wasn’t God‘s intention for marriage.  Marriage takes lots of work over the long haul — but to build a strong relationship we need to see the purpose behind God’s design.  Our relationship with our husband will go a whole lot smoother when we understand this. We’re being sanctified and God’s using marriage as one of His tools. Marriage perfectly depicts this statement, “Slow growth with long term benefits!” He wants our surrender, our obedience - He wants our growth.  He wants us growing more into the likeness of His Son - every day. And what a better way to do that than living with another human - every day!   So, let’s enjoy the journey.  Let’s build a better relationship with that man God destined to be your partner for life.   And let’s have a bit of fun along the way!   Find me here:  Instagram /  Facebook /  X - (Twitter) Website, Blog, Products, Coaching/Mentoring