What is Our Intuition? Real Talk with Nicole Harp, Animal Communicator and Soul Painter

Intuition Talks

Feb 7 2024 • 1 hr 2 mins

Nicole Harp, animal communicator and soul painter, and I have a down-to-earth conversation about intuition in this week's episode. We share personal stories about listening to our intuition to know who we are at a soul level. We highlight that intuitive development is a daily practice, a commitment, and a lifetime unfoldment to remember who we are as multi-dimensional spiritual beings having a human experience on Earth.

Show Notes:
Learn more about Nicole's work and book a session at www.harpspace.org. Nicole and I share teacher resources for intuitive development and mediumship. Consider researching tutors at Arthur Findlay College or Journey Within and medium Denise Correll.

I share the Brusho method taught by Lynn Cottrell, spirit artist and medium. I made a personal Oracle deck this month using this method. Follow the steps here to make your own Brusho spirit art (used with permission).


  • Place the watercolor paper down in front of you.
  • Have your brusho pots of paint out with lids off and your small paintbrush ready.
  • Dip the large paintbrush in water and cover the watercolor paper completely until there is a nice gloss of water over it.
  • Quickly choose the color of brusho you want by dipping the dry brush in the brusho powder (don't get the pots of powder wet).
  • Flick the powder on the watercolor paper - but not too much. A flick or two is enough.
  • You can do this several times with different colors - but don't cover the paper with too much paint. You want enough "white" from the paper to create lines.
  • Immediately cover the paper with saran wrap.
  • Place both hands on top of the plastic wrap and move your hands just slightly- but no more than once. Let the project dry overnight.
  • The next day, take the saran wrap off, and voila! You should see lines and shapes on your paper.
  • Now, connect with your spirit guides or higher self. Ask them to show you images that will help you in your spiritual work, development, or practice.
  • Give yourself time to find images, like animals, landscapes, people's faces, mythical creatures - the possibilities are endless. It can be immediate, or you may need a few days to sit with your spirit art to uncover messages from your spirit guides.
  • Notice how you feel as you connect with each image and the scene as a whole. Let your intuition guide you to interpret the message.
  • Whe

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The intro song “To Meet the Light” and outro song “Where the Light Is” by lemonmusicstudio