Sam (@earthtosam_) of TributeDAO - Collective Identity - S1E1

People Talking | A Web3 Podcast That's Not About Web3

Feb 27 2023 • 47 mins

Welcome to the first episode of People Talking, a web3 podcast.

Why make another web3 podcast, you ask? I asked myself the same thing after finishing up co-hosting the Forefront podcast over the last year.

The problem I see with a lot of web3 podcasts right now is they seem to bring on the same people to the same shows and talk about the same things. While I love a lot of these shows, I found myself getting exhausted by the highly tactical, intense, adderall-induced vibe that a lot of these shows emanate and feeling like I have to have my notes out and finger over the pause button to consume everything. Worst case, I've seen a more corporate, stodgy vibe start to emerge from some shows and the fun seems to be sucked out of the conversation in lieu of clearly articulating the "value prop" of whatever is being shilled. While they're exhausting to listen to, I still love many of these shows and they do what they do very well. I have no intention of trying to unseat them.

Vibe-wise, what I feel is missing is some middle ground between something that's informative and educational and something that's fun and rejuvenating to listen to. At this starting point, I also noticed that a lot of the coolest people I talked to in web3 were interested in a lot of other topics. My favorite people in the space weren't just technologists or finance bros like the dominating narrative about crypto. These were people voraciously curious about economics, ecology, collective identity, probability and gambling, physics, native american history, music, skiing, charity, ego on the internet, and so much more. While some of these topics come up, web3 is always the dominating subject for all written and audio content created right now in the space.

This is where People Talking comes in. This podcast is meant to create a chill, relaxed and intellectually curious space for the voraciously curious in web3 to talk about these other topics and explore the hidden connections that hugely influence their approach to web3.

Collectively, we can’t afford to keep approaching web3 from a technologist or finance perspective if we want to build the new internet. Web3 is a means, not an end. By building up a collection of influences from all of these seemingly unrelated topics, we’ll all have a more holistic approach to building a digital world that’s whole, and have a shit ton of fun while doing it.

With this mission in mind, I hope you enjoy the first season of People Talking and have as much fun as I do learning about a range of topics from the coolest people in web3.

My first guest is Sam (@earthtosam_) of Tribute Labs. She graciously agreed to be my first guest on the show where we talk about alternative web3 podcast structures and dive deep into a concept that is at the forefront of her mind when building in the space: Collective Identity. Enjoy!

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