{Bloom Into Your Full Potential} MAY Astrology & Akashic Forecast | Kacy Danae

This Crazy Little Thing Called Life

May 1 2023 • 55 mins

Pluto retrograde, Eclipse Season, Mercury Rx Shadow & Transformation "oh my!"

This is a month filled with opportunity dressed as triggers and possible hell scapes to support you in your truest path. This is your soul path. Remember, you incarnated for life school here on earth and this months Astrology is inviting you to be an active, messy participant.

COMFORT ZONE EVACUATION IS HERE! Face Triggers to move into new growth.

BIG NEW BIG NEWS - listen to the end.

In this episode on how to work with your chart for this month to BLOOM into your full potential.

The Akashic Records want to remind you that "This is the time to go outside. Ground and bury any old fears, beliefs, and out-dated programs that aren’t serving you. Yes, write them on a piece of paper and bury them. Bonus points if you bury them under a flower bed or with some seeds to let them literally become the compost that fertilized beauty. "

Listen to hear about all the astrological aspects and how you can work with them.

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