{Unveiling the Next Chapter} December Akashic & Astrology Forecast | Stevie Calista

This Crazy Little Thing Called Life

Dec 1 2023 • 40 mins

Spilling the tea on December to support you to prepare for the twists and the sun's returning.

Week 1: Unveiling the Next Chapter (Dec 1-7)

  • Reflect on the past year and open up to shocking fears around personal evolution.
  • Dive into the transformative potential of embodying fulfillment, pleasure, play, and satisfaction.
  • Practice self-love through failures and allow the divine to guide you into deep reverence for your journey.

Astrology Highlights:

  • Venus moves into Scorpio (Dec 4) - Dive into shocking intimacy with intuition and feelings.
  • Venus trines Saturn (Dec 5) - Explore shocking expansion and contraction in your emotional landscape.
  • Neptune goes direct (Dec 6) - Connect with the divine, create, and meditate in shocking ways.
  • Jupiter opposition and Mercury trine (Dec 7) - Take shocking responsibility for yourself.

Week 2: Shocking Awareness (Dec 8-14)

  • Navigate deceptive energies with shocking curiosity and discernment.
  • Practice shocking boundaries as Mercury goes retrograde and the Sun squares Neptune.

Week 3: Danger and Role Clarification (Dec 15-21)

  • See the shocking roles you've played in relationships.
  • Embrace shocking discomfort, magnetize a community resonating with your authentic self.
  • Astrology: The week of the solstice - Sun moving into Capricorn celebrates the shocking return to light.

Week 4: Shocking Surrender (Dec 22-31)

  • Surrender to mixed emotions, savor shocking small moments, and release the need to fix everything.
  • Practice shocking forgiveness, especially towards yourself, as the year comes to a close.

Astrology Highlights:

  • Venus trining Neptune (Dec 25) - Enjoy shocking loving moments and acknowledge the spiritual in the everyday.
  • Full Moon in Cancer (Dec 26) - Experience shocking emotional release and ancestral healing.

Join us as we navigate the shocking dance of change, unity, and self-discovery, wrapping up 2023 and stepping into the magic of the unknown in 2024.

Love the Akasha.

Stevies Links:
Website: http://www.farmhousemoon.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/farmhousemoon/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrgoZWRMelf0W9v7D3tTyUw
Shop: http://farmhousemoon.etsy.com/


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