{A TIME FOR NOURISHMENT} March Akashic & Astrology Forecast | Stevie Calista

This Crazy Little Thing Called Life

Mar 2 2024 • 48 mins

March Overview: Embrace the dance of life and death, rebirth, and growth. As nature stirs in the northern hemisphere, awaken your inner self. Trust your powers and connect with the Earth's cycles.

🌟 Week 1: Anchor new beliefs, align with inner wisdom, and trust your desires. Pay attention to thoughts as Saturn in Pisces creates new realities.

🔮 Astro: Moon in Virgo influences, urging responsibility for reality creation. Sun sextile Jupiter prompts self-reflection and new visions.

🎭 Week 2: Embrace change like shedding snake skin or bathing in a waterfall. Feel deeply, dream, and play as Neptune and Uranus energies inspire transformation and liberation.

💫 Week 3: Choose alignment with your desires over old habits. Get out of your mind and into your body to integrate winter's dreams into physical reality.

🌌 Astro: Seek solitude for inspiration, as Venus in Pisces fosters creativity and compassion. Uranian and Neptune energies encourage starting anew from imaginative realms.

🌀 Week 4: Connect with wisdom beyond time and space through meditation. Aries season signals independence and bravery, while Mercury-Chiron conjunction invites healing and clearing of past wounds.

🔥 Week 5: Integrate lessons since December 2022, facing fears and releasing patterns during eclipse season. Lunar eclipse in Libra prompts letting go, trining Pluto for transformation.

✨ Key Themes: Shed layers, confront feelings, and embrace change. Mercury retrograde slows mental activity, fostering reflection and tech slowdown.

Listen, reflect, and let this month's energies guide you towards self-nourishment and growth. Trust in the cycles of life and the wisdom within. 🌿🌕🌱


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