{Embrace the Scary and Unlock Your Potential} October Akashic & Astrology Forecast | Stevie Calisto

This Crazy Little Thing Called Life

Oct 1 2023 • 48 mins

Hosted by Meg Thompson & Astrologer Stevie Calista

In this enlightening episode, Meg Thompson and Astrologer Stevie Calista delve deep into the cosmic energies of October. They guide you through the celestial currents, offering insights and guidance for a transformative month ahead.

Grounding and Balance (October 1 - 9)

  • To thrive and break free from old patterns, focus on your roots.
  • Pluto goes direct on the 10th, causing potential irritations. Stay hydrated and keep your body moving during this intense period.

Power Dynamics and Healing (October 12 - 19)

  • Mars moves into Scorpio on the 12th, urging you to explore your inner depths and revisit past traumas.
  • Mars in Scorpio amplifies action and drive. Embrace intimate experiences and personal growth.

Eclipse Energies (October 20 - 23)

  • A powerful eclipse season begins with Pluto, Scorpio, and Mars, inviting you to honor your darker side and ancestral wisdom.
  • The New Moon solar eclipse in Libra on the 20th marks a reset and karmic endings.

Mind and Communication (October 20 - 22)

  • Sun and Mercury converge, illuminating mental projects, learning, and communication. Be aware of tension due to the square with Pluto.
  • Practice mindfulness to calm your thoughts and connect with your body.

Diving into Scorpio Energy (October 22 - 27)

  • Mercury enters Scorpio on the 22nd, intensifying your thoughts and communication.
  • Venus trines Jupiter, igniting desires and expanding love. Seek joy during this week.

Embracing Scorpio Season (October 23 - 27)

  • As the Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd, honor your intuitive and magical nature.
  • Create an ancestral altar for reciprocity and healing. Allow yourself to embrace the scary.

Lunar Eclipse and Transformation (October 28)

  • The full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio and Taurus activates last year's nodes. Taurus focuses on the physical and material aspects, addressing trauma and abundance.
  • Venus trines Uranus and Pluto, offering possibilities for growth and breaking free from old patterns.
  • This eclipse season is a time for profound transformation and healing, especially in your physical body.

As October unfolds, embrace the energies of Scorpio, dive into introspection, and honor your roots and ancestors. This month holds the potential for deep healing and powerful transformation. Stay tuned and stay in tune with the cosmic rhythms guiding your journey.

FREE SHADOW WORKSHOP - https://meaghanthompson.podia.com/shadow-workshop

Stevies Links:
Website: http://www.farmhousemoon.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/farmhousemoon/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrgoZWRMelf0W9v7D3tTyUw
Shop: http://farmhousemo


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