E64-Card Pull For The Year Ahead- 2024

Life of a Lightworker Podcast

Dec 28 2023 • 33 mins

In this episode;

Monthly Card Insights for 2024: From the Rebecca Campbell The Healing Waters Oracle. To see the cards visit my YouTube channel and click on this episode video.

-January: Theme of ease, being open to change, going with the flow of life. Emphasis on water’s adaptability and the ancient Greek goddess Rhea.

-February: Cleansing and releasing, both physically and spiritually. Discussion on the use of water in various faith traditions for purification.

-March: Metamorphosis and embracing transformation. Encouragement to see change as an opportunity for growth.

-April: Encouragement to plunge in, take risks, and embrace new opportunities.

-May: Emphasis on embracing inner power and confidence, claiming one's place.

-June: Cosmic ocean theme, discussing dreams and future realities. Creation myths related to water.

-July: Allowing and embracing what is inevitable, learning to trust the process.

-August: Discussion about joy and openness to new experiences, using the pink dolphin as a symbol.

-September: Clear vision and confirmation of right timing and opportunities.

-October: Birth mysteries, discussion on creativity and what one is called to create.

-November: Riding the waves of life, learning from life’s challenges and growth.

-December: Looking beneath the surface, understanding true motives, breaking free from constraints.

-2024 intuitive insights for the year.

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