E60-Transforming Together: Starting Within to Change the World

Life of a Lightworker Podcast

Nov 9 2023 • 21 mins

In this episode:

  • I reflect on the unpredictability of life and the importance of embracing each day with openness and curiosity.

  • Surrendering to the universe's flow, illustrating the shift from resisting change to allowing oneself to be guided by a higher power.

  • 2 card pulls  from Kyle Gray's Angel Guide Oracle

  • The combined energies of the cards suggest a state of calm satisfaction and a deep sense of inner peace, stemming from the knowledge that one is supported by the universe and their spiritual team.

  • Practical advice is channeled for cultivating calmness and self-assuredness through stillness.

  • A powerful reminder is channeled that it's okay to not be okay, as personal healing can ripple outward, affecting and uplifting others.

  • The importance of self-acceptance is stressed, suggesting that by embracing our own imperfections, we can more easily accept others, reducing judgment and fostering a more compassionate worldview.

  • The interconnection between internal and external journeys is highlighted, with a call to initiate personal healing as a precursor to creating meaningful change in the world.

  • Personal and global transformation is a continuous process, urging listeners to begin with themselves to effect the change they wish to see in the world.

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