What is PDA | PDA vs. ODD?

The Crap and The Crazy by Little Wooden Toybox

Mar 6 2023 • 21 mins

This is purely based on my experience and how it looks in our family and with children I have worked with. Excuse my ignorance as I learn - I have only been aware of this diagnosis for about 6 months :) ox

✅ What is PDA?

✅ What is ODD? (in case you  are more familiar with this diagnosis as I was)

✅ What's the difference between PDA and ODD?

✅ Parenting strategies for PDA

✅ PANDA - see PDA Society https://www.pdasociety.org.uk/resources/helpful-approaches-infographic/

I forgot to mention praise in this podcast. We keep praise limited and low key with my PDA kid as praise is effectively a demand with expectations for them to:
- share your excitement/enthusiasm
- meet these new expectations next time, now that they've shown they are capable of this new task/achievement

Little Wooden Toybox Pty Ltd

Any requests or feedback?
Email Tash: tashkritter@gmail.com