Looking After Your Mental Health

The Crap and The Crazy by Little Wooden Toybox

Apr 3 2023 • 19 mins

I go off on a slight tangent but I do still get to the point on this one 😆😆😆 Enjoy! ox

✅ Trust your gut - you know you and your kids best
✅ No where in the history of 'and they are fine' was anyone really fine
✅ The work you are putting in now is an investment - you will see results & it won't always look like this
✅ Find your tribe
✅ It's ok to say no
✅ It's ok to set boundaries and have a break from some people
✅ It's ok to set your priorities and stick to them
✅ Priorities and boundaries can change - this is ok too
✅ Do what you need to do to get through each day
✅ What I do for my mental health now (exercise, sleep, food etc) is very different to what I was able to do when my kids were young where I had very little time to spare and 0 personal space

Want to know more? Ask me 👇 I'd love ideas for future podcast topics 😊😊😊

Little Wooden Toybox Pty Ltd

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Email Tash: tashkritter@gmail.com