#27 Awakening to Celestial Guidance: A Journey with Spirit Guides and Higher Energies

Soul Awakening Podcast

Apr 29 2024 • 38 mins

Embark on a mystical voyage with me, Annegreat, as we unite with the universe's most enigmatic allies—spirit guides, elemental beings, and celestial helpers that thrive beyond the veil. Prepare for an elevation of the spirit, as this soulful episode promises to guide you through grounding practices and visualizations designed to attune your essence with the heart of the planet and the unconditional love of the cosmos. Feel the harmonious embrace of your spirit guides, and let the Arcturians' crystalline energy flow through you, as we together navigate the higher realms and access the wisdom of your soul's guardians.

The power of your voice is the gateway to your soul's truest expression, and in our latest installment, we journey through the energetic dance with the aid of vocal exercises aimed at clearing the throat chakra and releasing transformative energies. As your host, I am thrilled to share the profound experience of channeling and opening your light body to the higher dimensions. Whether you're drawn to become a conduit for these messages or simply to deepen your spiritual comprehension, this episode will illuminate your path towards expansive consciousness and align you with your highest potential. Join us, feel the shift, and awaken to the infinite support surrounding you.

Annegreat ist Energy Healer and SOUL MENTOR | Sie hilft dir multidimensionale Seelen-Fähigkeiten zu öffnen, deinen Joker zu heilen, deine Seele zu gebären.
|Soul Awakening & Integration|

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