#6 (S1) Chronic Disappointment, Suffering Honestly, and K.J. Ramsey's This Too Shall Last

Your Pastor Reads Books Podcast

Jan 30 2023 • 44 mins

With less biblical literacy and connection to the church, sufferers are untethered to the language, narrative, and practices that can anchor us in understanding, encouragement, and hope.”

-K.J. Ramsey

Have you ever had faith for healing but didn’t see it happen? Unanswered prayers can sometimes unmoor us. Today’s guest, Marissa Price, is an ordained minister with an MA in Theology & Culture. She introduces us to K.J. Ramsey’s book This Too Shall Last: Finding Grace When Suffering Lingers, and talks about how to think about God when we’re dealing with chronic disappointment.

Show Notes:The Chronicles of Narnia* by C.S. Lewis

Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder

This Too Shall Last: Finding Grace When Suffering Lingers by K.J. Ramsey

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Heather Weber is a book-obsessed pastor, author, and holistic life and leadership coach. Find out more about her coaching and other creative projects at www.heatherweber.org. Subscribe to her Dear Exiles newsletter at heatherweber.substack.com. She is the author of Dear Boy:,An Epistolary Memoir.

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