Surrender it to God with Jessica Washington

Run Back to Jesus

Nov 20 2023 • 23 mins

Today, we will hear a beautiful testimony from Jessica Washington as she shares her story of letting go of control and trusting God during a storm in her life. Jessica is a wife, mom, & a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner who is passionate about helping others find true peace and health through a holistic approach. In surrendering to God’s plan for her life, she has taken the struggles she’s faced and used them as a part of her calling to help others heal and live the life God has called them to.

Connect with Jessica!

  • Jessica’s free resource can be found HERE.
  • Connect with Jessica on Instagram @theguthealingninja
  • Her website can be found by clicking HERE.

Journal Questions:

  • What areas of your life feel like they are out of your control, but you are trying to control them?
  • Looking back, what areas of your life can you see that God has been faithful to pull you through, even if you weren’t following Him in that season?
  • Read Psalm 55:22. What burdens do you need to cast to God today?
  • Is there a struggle in your life that God has brought you through that He is asking you to use to help someone else?


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*Please note that these topics do not replace professional help for any mental health illnesses or concerns. Please always seek professional help for any concerns you have.