God’s Grace & Self-worth: Cut Yourself Some Slack

The Clear Confident Christian Coach with Nanette

Sep 29 2023 • 9 mins

Hey there, listeners! Ever had one of those days where you feel like you’re the lead actor in a comedy of errors? Yep, we’ve all been there! Today, we're diving into the art of giving ourselves a break—Christian style. So, if you’ve ever thought, ‘Why did I just do that?’, this episode is tailor-made for you!

So, you messed up. Maybe you lost your temper, made a wrong decision, or missed an opportunity. We've all been there, right? But here’s the kicker: How often do we beat ourselves up, replaying the scene, wishing we’d done things differently?

1. The Mistake Mindset 2. Pause and Breathe 3. Walk in Your Shoes 4. Redefining Perfection 5. Celebrate the Comebacks 6. Learn, Don’t Lament 7. Daily Dose of Grace 8. Release and Reflect

To wrap it all up: Life’s too short to spend it beating ourselves up. We’ve got God's grace, so let's sprinkle some of that grace on ourselves too! Remember, every mistake, every stumble is an opportunity wrapped in grace, waiting for us to unwrap it.

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Thanks for tuning in, folks! Keep shining, keep learning, and most importantly, keep giving yourself that much-needed grace.

Remember you don’t need anybody’s permission to do the very thing that God has already given permission remember you don’t need anything remember you don’t need any permission to do the very thing that God has already given you permission to do.