Life N Cyber

Josh, John, Kenny & Shannon

We chat about life about working in Cyber and how it effects our lives from Career to Parenting and the balancing of everything in between.

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Cracking the Code on Cybersecurity Certifications
May 15 2024
Cracking the Code on Cybersecurity Certifications
Ever wondered if forking out cash for the latest IT certifications will truly give your career the golden touch? Let's dissect the value of those shiny credentials and if their escalating prices are creating barriers or simply ensuring their rarity. We'll take you from chuckles about our moms being our dedicated fans to serious conversations around ITIL, CompTIA, and the Department of Defense's 8570 certification list, examining the balance between accessibility and prestige in the IT industry.Diving into the murky waters of cybersecurity certifications, we'll share our war stories and industry secrets about the heavyweight title of CISSP. Hear firsthand how these certifications weigh in the job market and the blend of broad knowledge versus niche skills necessary for climbing the career ladder. We also tackle the expectations set by employers and the sobering reality of job qualifications, shedding light on whether education and certifications are the keys to the kingdom or just part of the puzzle.As the tech world spins at lightning speed, the need for continuous learning becomes undeniable. Join us as we navigate the requirements for keeping certifications like CISSP current, share strategies for racking up CPE credits without losing your sanity, and offer guidance on managing professional growth alongside life's commitments. Whether you're a seasoned IT pro or just dipping your toes in the digital ocean, this episode is your guide to making sense of the IT certification labyrinth.
May the Force Be With You
May 1 2024
May the Force Be With You
Can you crack the code on why cybersecurity in the Star Wars universe is more laughable than a Gungan at a Sith convention? Join us on a galactic journey as we celebrate the quirks and conundrums of Star Wars for May the 4th. In true fan style, we take a whimsical look at everything from the saga's focus on the Skywalker family to the spirited debate on the best episode ever. We're analyzing droids, delving into character controversies, and even drawing comparisons between Order 66 and software coding. Laugh along as we reveal how Jar Jar Binks shaped our childhoods and argue over our favorite moments—from pod races to Anakin's complex journey.Ever wonder if a movie character can affect your real-life humor? We share personal stories about Star Wars' Jar Jar Binks that just might convince you of his influence. This episode isn't just about the laughs, though. We dive deep into the franchise's characters, weighing in on the merits of spin-offs like Rogue One and Solo, and discussing the rich narratives that TV adaptations like Rebels and The Mandalorian bring to the table. Parodies, pop culture's take on Star Wars, and our own affections for different aspects of the universe—nothing is off-limits as we unpack what makes this galaxy so compelling.Finally, let's talk about how we're gearing up for May the Fourth. We're not just reminiscing about childhood Star Wars gaming sessions or musing over Disney's impact; we're brainstorming potential spin-offs that could spin the Star Wars tapestry into new dimensions. And, of course, we're sharing our plans for the big day and inviting you to connect with us—whether you're a fellow aficionado or just dipping your toes into these starry waters. So, grab your lightsaber, and let's celebrate the force of this beloved universe together. May the Fourth be with you!
Book Club! - The Courage to Be Disliked
Apr 24 2024
Book Club! - The Courage to Be Disliked
Have you ever wondered if there's a peculiar freedom found in being unafraid of others’ opinions? "The Courage to Be Disliked" by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga prompts such introspection, and in this episode, we unpack its powerful message. The book, with its unique dialogue format, challenges us to find authenticity and personal freedom in what may seem counterintuitive – the courage to be disliked. Our dialogue navigates the themes of mindfulness and modern psychology, and how these practices can lead to profound shifts in our approach to life's challenges.Parenting is an art with as many styles as there are cultures, and in this session, we probe the parental balance of guidance and personal experience. We reflect on the nuanced impact of cultural context, like the subtleties of Japanese expressions of gratitude, and how empty praise can shape a child's development. Sharing personal anecdotes, we examine how our upbringing informs our own parenting, highlighting the significance of genuine gratitude and the intricate dance of setting healthy boundaries while encouraging our children's independence.We wrap with a deep dive into the dynamics of trust, honesty, and communication within relationships, recognizing that they form the cornerstone of both our personal and professional spheres. The conversation explores the idea of life problems as relationship issues and the importance of choosing our own happiness. Closing this illuminating episode, we extend an invitation to join our next literary venture with Brené Brown's "Dare to Lead," promising further exploration into the realms of self-discovery and leadership.
The Episode We Talk To - Kenny Sisco
Apr 18 2024
The Episode We Talk To - Kenny Sisco
Have you ever wondered what happens when the strict boundaries of professional life get a dash of simplicity and a good laugh? Kenner, our special guest, certainly knows the charm of breaking the ice with humor as he recalls an unforgettable work presentation with a chancellor. This episode takes you on a delightful romp through Kenner's life, from the sunny beginnings in California to the tech-savvy days in Colorado, and the unexpected companionship that bloomed from a workplace rivalry. It's more than just a job—it's about the people, the friendships, and those early morning rock-shoveling sessions that shape our career tales.Fasten your seatbelt; we're about to navigate the winding roads of IT career paths and the educational experiences that pave them. I'm sharing my own story of accelerated learning, discussing the social gymnastics of skipping grades, and how a work-study job can lay a firm foundation for professional success. And for those just donning their graduation caps, I've got some candid advice on the Managed Service Provider landscape—valuable insights to carve out your niche in the industry. This chat isn't just about the technical know-how; it's a look at the versatility and leadership evolution that can take your career from the help desk to the head of the table.Now, let's step away from the glow of the computer screens and into the alleys and living rooms where our passions come to play. Kenner's semi-pro bowling adventures and my eleven-year-old feline's diet escapades remind us of the joy and camaraderie found in our hobbies and pets. Whether it's the thrill of a perfect strike or the satisfaction of a 3D printed masterpiece, it's clear that our creative outlets are as diverse as our professional ones. So, while you're here, hit that subscribe button and stay tuned for a series of stories and conversations that are as uniquely informative as they are heartwarmingly eclectic.
From Underdog to Superstar - Linux: The Rise of a New Hero
Apr 10 2024
From Underdog to Superstar - Linux: The Rise of a New Hero
Discover how Linux is conquering the tech world one server at a time! This episode packs a punch, offering a true insider's tour of Linux's escalating impact in technology. With the help of our special guest, Josh, we dissect the layers of appeal behind this open-source titan. From the sweet relief it brings to your budget to the unexpected ease of use for both veterans and newcomers, we're breaking down the barriers that once pigeonholed Linux as the underdog. Stick with us to unearth the secrets of Linux's cost-effective charm and how it's giving the pricey licensing of Microsoft a run for its money.As we navigate the corporate corridors, we toss aside the old myths of Linux's complexity, shining a light on its newfound simplicity and the professional support that's putting it neck and neck with Windows. System administration is undergoing a renaissance where automation reigns supreme, and we're not afraid to point out how even Windows is borrowing a page from the Linux playbook. We also celebrate the advancements in cross-platform driver support, which are smoothing out the transition to Linux, ensuring that your leap to an open-source haven is as graceful as possible.In our grand finale, we zoom out to the broad spectrum of operating systems, pinpointing where each reigns supreme. We revel in the diversity, from Windows servers to the Linux stronghold in stable service roles, and even give you a sneak peek at the latest container technologies revolutionizing application deployment. But that's not all – whether you're a beginner dipping your toes into the Linux pond or a seasoned pro looking for a refresher, we've got recommendations that steer you towards the friendliest ports. Join us for this riveting ride through the evolving OS landscape where Linux containers, Snap, and Turnkey are not just buzzwords, but game-changers.
The Episode We Talk To - Josh Cedeno
Mar 26 2024
The Episode We Talk To - Josh Cedeno
Remember those high school days when you proudly wore your varsity jacket and dreamt of pitching in the big leagues? Well, Josh, our CEO who's as much a tech whiz as a baseball fanatic, reminisces about the good old days and more in a heart-to-heart that's as honest as it is hilarious. We sit down with Spanish (that's what we love to call Josh) and traverse his life's path—from a high school techie through the ranks of cybersecurity to the helm of our company—all against the backdrop of New York's magnetic pull, which eventually draws him back home to plant his family roots.New York isn't just a state; it's a state of mind, especially when you're talking pizza and bagels. Josh and I throw down in the great debate over whether it's the water or the soul of the city that makes these staples so legendary. But it's not just about food; we slide effortlessly from sports injuries we narrowly escaped to the cultural tapestry of life in the Empire State. Swapping tales of suburban calm versus city bustle, we laugh over the quirks of our upbringing, and even take a jab at how algorithms are shaping our tastes—hello, "Love is Blind" binge sessions and superhero showdowns!As we close the curtains on this episode, we tackle the myths of baldness—because, let's face it, who hasn't googled hair regrowth products at least once? Our chat takes a turn down memory lane as Josh paints the vibrant world of Dragon Ball Z that set his younger self's imagination on fire. From the intricate art of parenting four kids to the tender connection with his Dominican heritage, Josh's narrative is a testament to the colorful life he's led. So, plug in those earbuds and gear up for an episode that's as rich and varied as a New York deli menu.
Book Club! - What Got You Here, Won't Get You There
Mar 20 2024
Book Club! - What Got You Here, Won't Get You There
Ever found yourself stuck on the career ladder, wondering why the rungs aren't as sturdy as they once were? Our latest podcast episode takes an unflinching look at Marshall Goldsmith's "What Got You Here Won't Get You There," dissecting the pitfalls of resting on your laurels and the need for continuous personal development. Goldsmith's advice, dressed in tales of high-flying executives, may seem a world away for the everyday professional, but the kernel of truth in his 21 habit-breaking strategies is undeniable. We unpack why the book's potential power is partially eclipsed by an overindulgent narrative, and offer a candid critique of the self-help genre's approach to addressing the very real challenges of leadership and communication.This week's conversation doesn't stop at book analysis; it's a springboard into the broader ocean of self-improvement. We discuss the hard truths about self-recognition, the prickly thorns of pride, and the heavy lifting required to lead effectively and communicate with impact. And for those eager for our next discussion, we tease the upcoming deep dive into "The Courage to be Disliked," as recommended by our fellow member Josh – with hopes pinned on a narrative that promises to be as engaging as it is insightful. Tune in to hear our reflections, critiques, and expectations as we navigate the choppy waters of professional growth and personal achievement.1. Winning too much: The need to win at all costs and in all situations -- when it matters, when it doesn't, and when it's totally beside the point.2. Adding too much value: The overwhelming desire to add our two cents to every discussion.3. Passing judgment: The need to rate others and impose our standards on them.4. Making destructive comments: The needless sarcasms and cutting remarks that we think make us sound sharp and witty.5. Starting with "No," "But," or "However": The overuse of these negative qualifiers which secretly say to everyone, "I'm right. You're wrong."6. Telling the world how smart we are: The need to show people we're smarter than they think we are.7. Speaking when angry: Using emotional volatility as a management tool.8. Negativity, or "Let me explain why that won't work": The need to share our negative thoughts even when we weren't asked.9. Withholding information: The refusal to share information in order to maintain an advantage over others.10. Failing to give proper recognition: The inability to praise and reward.11. Claiming credit that we don't deserve: The most annoying way to overestimate our contribution to any success.12. Making excuses: The need to reposition our annoying behavior as a permanent fixture so people excuse us for it.13. Clinging to the past: The need to deflect blame away from ourselves and onto events and people from our past; a subset of blaming everyone else.14. Playing favorites: Failing to see that we are treating someone unfairly.15. Refusing to express regret: The inability to take responsibility for our actions, admit we're wrong, or recognize how our actions affect others.16. Not listening: The most passive-aggressive form of disrepsect for colleagues.17. Failing to express gratitude: the most basic form of bad manners.18. Punishing the messenger: The misguided need to attack the innocent who are usually only trying to help us.19. Passing the buck: The need to blame everyone but ourselves.20. An excessive need to be "me": Exalting our faults as virtues simply because they're who we are.21. Goal obsession: Getting so wrapped up in achieving our goal that we do it at the expense of a larger mission.
The Episode We Talk - Industry Updates
Mar 6 2024
The Episode We Talk - Industry Updates
Ever wondered what a Broadcom takeover could mean for the tech you use daily? We're tackling this head-on, exploring the seismic shifts in the virtualization world as VMware gets a new owner. Get ready to hear our unfiltered thoughts on the surge of vulnerabilities hitting the news and the potential ramifications of ESXi's free version possibly hitting the end of the road. It's a critical time for hobbyists, educational institutions, and tech pros alike, so we're offering up some solid alternatives that are sure to keep your virtual machines humming.Dive into the heart of technology with us as we share tales right from the aisles of Costco to the latest in gaming and VR. We're unpacking the impact of ads on our smart TVs and gaming experiences, while also giving a nod to Nintendo's latest strategies and Zuckerberg’s defense of Oculus. It’s a rollercoaster ride through the industry’s freshest updates, complete with anecdotes that showcase just how intertwined our lives are with the tech we use and love.We'll wrap things up on a lighter note, but not without a dash of cyberpunk flair – discussing brain implants and the bizarre future they could bring. Ever considered ads in your dreams or the use of implants as social security replacements? It might not be as far-fetched as it sounds. Plus, join us as we plan a Netflix watch party for "Avatar: The Last Airbender," and discuss the whimsical side of tech and content sharing. And don't forget, we're also touching on a cause that's dear to us – Saint Baldrick's – and the possibility of shaving heads for charity. So, settle in for some laughs, insights, and, who knows, maybe even the inspiration to rock a bald new look!
The Episode We Talk To - Justin Freeland
Feb 21 2024
The Episode We Talk To - Justin Freeland
Imagine orchestrating the symphony of a bustling game shop while navigating the complexities of a full-time IT career—our own Justin Freeland of Olympus Games masterfully does just that, and he joined us to peel back the curtain on this high-wire act. With the candor of an old friend, Justin recounts the evolution of his beloved store from its Griffin Games roots to becoming a Warhammer fortress amidst a sea of competitors. He takes us through the aisles of customer loyalty and community spirit, where every laugh shared is a reminder that the heart of our business isn't just in the products on the shelves, but in the memories we create.The gears shift as we tackle the giant mechs in the room: the trials of stocking up in a post-COVID world and the art of hosting gaming events that pull crowds across state lines. Justin doesn't shy away from the gritty details, discussing the delicate dance of managing a shop with multiple owners, each with their own day jobs and dreams, all while trying to snatch a moment for family and loved ones. It's a story about sacrifice, the kind that's made possible only with the support of understanding partners and a resolve as steadfast as the most dedicated Warhammer general.Then, it's time to zoom out and talk pop culture impact and personal joys—how the right collaboration can send a ripple through sales and how hobbies like photography offer solace from the daily grind. Justin reveals his allegiance to Marvel, his comfort pick in "The Lord of the Rings," and why Disney Plus is his streaming knight in shining armor. By the time we've wrapped up, it feels like we've journeyed through Middle-earth and back, sharing laughter and insights in equal measure. So if you've ever wondered about the life of a gamer turned entrepreneur or if you're just here for the stories and banter, you won't want to miss this episode.
The Episode We Talk About - Career Regerts
Feb 14 2024
The Episode We Talk About - Career Regerts
Have you ever had a "regert" moment in your career, where you wish you could time-travel and guide your younger self? Buckle up, Guardians of the Tech Galaxy, because we're about to share our most cringe-worthy missteps and the lightbulb moments that turned them around. From the ego trip of going solo to the humbling realization that asking for help is not a weakness but a superpower, we're baring it all. We'll laugh over our past selves' misguided hustles and the burnout that taught us the importance of empathy and the art of the break. Get ready to nod along as we confess how we fumbled with soft skills early in our tech quests, and how feedback—though sometimes as painful as stepping on a Lego—became our unlikely hero. We'll also tackle the "gifted" label curse and its kryptonite effect on social savvy. Plus, we dive into the resilience we're cultivating in our mini sidekicks (our kids, not actual sidekicks) and ourselves. Through tales of book clubs and clashing perspectives, we celebrate continuous learning as our shield against the complacency dragon.Wrapping up our galactic venture, we swap stories of workplace dynamics that teeter between camaraderie and slapstick comedy. Ever wondered if you're the office Star-Lord, cracking jokes but still keeping it professional? We've been there, and we're discussing the fine line between having a blast and keeping your career rocket on course. And because no odyssey is complete without allies, we reflect on the lasting bonds of networking, and how true friendships are like stars—sometimes unseen but ever-present. So pour yourself a cosmic brew and join us in celebrating the epic saga of our tech adventures.
Book Club! - The Algebra of Happiness
Feb 7 2024
Book Club! - The Algebra of Happiness
Unlock the equation for a fulfilling life as we dissect Scott Galloway's "The Algebra of Happiness" with our insightful guest Laura, navigating how to balance a thriving career with life's other essential ingredients. This episode isn't just about digesting the author's perspective—it's about stitching together the rich tapestry of happiness that transcends gender norms. We do a deep dive into the importance of cherishing relationships over accruing wealth and the shifting sands of joy as we age. Listen as we share why a memory-drenched vacation could be worth more to your happiness than the latest luxury car, presenting experiences as the currency of a life well-lived.Struggling with the shadow of imposter syndrome? You're not alone. Join us as we share our personal battles from boardrooms to legislative halls, revealing that even as our knowledge grows, so can our doubts about our own expertise. We explore how embracing our authenticity and practicing gratitude can shift the narrative from self-doubt to self-acceptance, mirroring the profound guidance found within the pages of a game-changing self-help book. Plus, we examine the undeniable power of relationships in fostering personal growth, and tease our next book selection, poised to push high-achievers towards even greater professional peaks. Tune in for an episode that promises to bolster your confidence, deepen your connections, and guide you one step closer to your personal zenith.
The Episode We Talk to Drew Kirkpatrick
Jan 31 2024
The Episode We Talk to Drew Kirkpatrick
Ever wondered what it takes to outsmart cyber threats and secure the virtual fortresses that safeguard our digital lives? Drew Kirkpatrick, a cybersecurity virtuoso with a rare mix of psychological acumen and coding prowess, offers a treasure trove of insights. Join us as he recounts his journey from conducting cutting-edge R&D for the Navy to becoming a penetration tester par excellence. Drew's tales are not just about the code and the thrill of the hack; they're peppered with the realities of balancing life with a researcher spouse, the significance of staying nimble in the ever-evolving tech landscape, and the criticality of tools like Burp Suite.Diving headfirst into the emotionally charged world of cybersecurity, we uncover the less talked about aspects – the impact on mental health and why it's a conversation we need to have now more than ever. Drew gives us a backstage pass to the lighter side of pen testing with client CTF challenges, and balances it with a candid look at red and blue team dynamics. Aspiring hackers and guardians of the net alike, take note: Drew lays down the gauntlet on certifications, hands-on experience, and community involvement through CTFs and bug bounties as the non-negotiables for a thriving career in cybersecurity.But it's not all serious business. Drew lets us in on his life beyond the binary world, from the serene shores of Ocracoke Island to his penchant for PlayStation 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2. His reflections on the cybersecurity community, the rigors and rewards of consulting, and the quirky anecdotes from his past, are an intimate exploration of the person behind the professional. For anyone looking to navigate the labyrinth of web app security or just eager to hear a good yarn from one of the best in the biz, this episode is a digital key to enlightenment.Special Thank You to Drew Kirkpatrick (hoodoer)!! It was great having you on to kick off our interviews!To all our listeners and watchers, you can find Drew, JS-Tap and his demo at the links below! LinkedIn: Demo:
The Episode We Talk About - CES 2024
Jan 24 2024
The Episode We Talk About - CES 2024
Ever feel like you're drowning in a sea of gadgets and gizmos that promise to streamline your life but just add to the chaos? Grab your life vest and join us as we navigate the exciting, sometimes baffling waters of CES 2024. We're peeling back the curtain on the latest tech trends, from AI-enabled cars that have us leaning into the future, to AR glasses and foldable screens that may or may not fold into our daily routines. Honda's put a new spin on car design, but will it drive us wild, or is it just spinning its wheels? And as for those transparent monitors, we're debating whether they clear things up or just look pretty.Who knew a rabbit could be at the forefront of AI innovation? We're not talking about the fluffy kind — the R1 rabbit has hopped into the spotlight with its Jarvis-like capabilities, and we can't wait to tell you if it's the leap forward we've all been waiting for. With tech that could give Tesla a run for its money and wearable health devices that are as discreet as they are smart, we're pondering the line between tech-tastic and just plain excessive. Is that sports bra clip a fitness revolution or just another gadget to lose in the laundry? Plus, we'll share our thoughts on whether multi-screen laptops are the answer to our mobile prayers or just a backache waiting to happen.To wrap up, we're taking a stroll down innovation lane, where not every shiny new toy makes it from CES to your doorstep. Remember Dish Network's home security system? Exactly. While some tech may fall by the wayside, it's all part of the dance that pushes industries and imaginations forward. And for a touch of whimsy, we're diving into Mercedes-Benz's integration of Fortnite into their bumper — because who doesn't want to build forts on the go? Tune in for a rollicking discussion that's equal parts skepticism, wonder, and tech-laced humor.
The Episode We Talk About - Our 2024 Predictions
Jan 10 2024
The Episode We Talk About - Our 2024 Predictions
Are you ready to have your mind blown with some of the most audacious predictions for the gaming world and the evolving landscape of healthcare and streaming? Buckle up, because we've got a whirlwind tour through a future where Nintendo might just embrace Sega, and the thought of VR therapy isn't just a sci-fi dream. We'll also unveil whether AI could outsmart us in diagnosing diseases, and if your prescriptions will soon come with a side of virtual reality. All this, plus a reality check on the cybersecurity threats lurking in the digital shadows of medicine.But wait, there's more! Imagine a world where streaming giants play a game of thrones, battling for the crown of your screen time. We'll explore the potential of a mega-merger between Hulu and Disney Plus, the strategic shuffle of Warner Brothers and Paramount Plus, and how Amazon's ad play might shake up the Prime paradise. And let's not forget the unsung hero of the streaming saga: live sports. Are they enough to keep live TV off the endangered species list? We're placing our bets and so much more as we peel back the curtain on the future of entertainment.For our final act, we gaze into the crystal ball at the financial fortunes of Lumen and the enigmatic return of cryptocurrency. Will Bitcoin reclaim its throne, or is it just a castle made of sand? Plus, we take a detour to discuss Carvana's roller coaster ride and the implications of companies flirting with crypto desperation. Don't miss out on our Super Bowl predictions and the personal podcast milestone we're gunning for. After all, it's not just about the tech; it's about the conversations and connections we forge in these fascinating times.
Wives Special
Nov 21 2023
Wives Special
Special Thank you from the husbands to our awesome wives. You make it possible for us to do this. We love you!...Ever wondered how women navigate the world of technology? Our wonderful wives - Ali, Ali, and Laura - pull back the curtain and give us a unique perspective on their careers, the trials of working in healthcare, and the pivotal role technology plays in their lives. From Ali's experience in hospital informatics to Laura's unexpected tech journey during the pandemic, they share their fascinating stories and their connection to the tech world.The conversation doesn't stop there. We tackle the impact of technology on modern relationships and parenting. We share our personal experiences with various apps and online tools that help us stay connected with our children's education, how technology played a part in meeting our spouses, and offer insights on managing work-life balance when both partners are in the tech industry. As we navigate the busy and ever-changing world of parenting and work, we also discuss the dynamics of blended families and the art of being a good cop or bad cop with our children.Finally, we delve into the personal side of our lives, sharing our favorite date night ideas and how our personalities complement each other in our relationships. We also explore the art of gift-giving and share our strategies for finding the perfect gift for loved ones. From hilarious anecdotes to insightful discussions, this episode offers a glimpse into the world of technology, parenting, relationships, and so much more. Join us for a hearty laugh, maybe a tear or two, and a whole lot of insights!
The Episode We Talk About - Mastering The Art of Job Hunting in Tech
Nov 14 2023
The Episode We Talk About - Mastering The Art of Job Hunting in Tech
Let's dive headfirst into the intricate art of job hunting with our hosts, Josh, Shannon, Kenny and John, who take us on an enlightening journey through the winding path of discovering the perfect job. Together, we explore everything from building that eye-catching resume to the art of effective networking, all while emphasizing the importance of soft skills and the power of a compelling cover letter. We also tackle the common fear of applying for roles where you don't meet every single qualification, and why that might not be as daunting a roadblock as you think.We're about to flip the script on how you view networking. Think it's all about extroverted schmoozing? We're here to challenge that and reveal how both introverts and extroverts can play to their strengths and approach networking in a way that's comfortable and rewarding for them. Kenny and John also share their expert insights on recognizing red flags during the hiring process, how to stand out in interviews, and the importance of preparing yourself by researching the company and role you're applying for.Our discussion on the hiring process wouldn't be complete without touching on the often nerve-wracking topic of salary negotiations. Learn practical tips on how to approach this critical dialog, backed by the knowledge of your position's market value. We delve into the role of automated systems in job applications and how to ensure your application doesn't fall into the notorious 'black hole'. Rounding out our conversation, we share strategies on managing nerves during interviews, the implications of lying on your resume, and the potential hazards of speaking negatively about a previous job or employer on social media. Equip yourself with these essential job hunting tools, and you'll be well on your way to landing your dream job.
The Episode We Talk About - Time Travel
Nov 7 2023
The Episode We Talk About - Time Travel
Ever wondered if you could learn something in the future before anyone else does? This episode takes you on a journey to discover the fascinating world of time travel. We take a light-hearted look at complex theories such as the butterfly effect, the linearity of time, the existence of alternate universes, and the brain-bending concept of quantum computing. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back and be prepared to laugh as we tackle how math can be a bit tricky and marvel at the unfathomable beauty of physics from a distance.Strap in as we set sail on an interactive debate about the ethical implications of meddling with time. We ponder the consequences of taking today's medical advances back in time and the ripple effects such changes could create in the balance of power. Engage with us in the discourse on historical preservation, resource allocation, and the tantalizing proposition of using time travel to influence change on both a macro and micro scale. Is it really the right thing to meddle with history, or are we playing God?In the final act, we wander through the enthralling realm of gravitational time dilation and teleportation. With a sense of wonder, we unpack the theory of time dilation, its practical applications, and how the gravitational pull of celestial objects could manipulate our perception of time. Imagine the possibilities of time travel through the event horizons of black holes, or the potential of cryogenics as a workaround to space travel. As we wrap up this mind-bending episode, we leave you contemplating the existence of aliens, and the tantalizing idea of creating a wormhole large enough to travel through. This is an episode that will leave you pondering the mysteries of the universe long after the final credits roll.