2.5 Putting the person first with Nina and Ignar Rip

Music Helps

Oct 29 2023 • 38 mins

How important is music to you and your loved ones?

Nina’s latest Music Helps guest is renowned Dutch music and dementia specialist Ignar Rip, creator of the MuziekGeluk (Music Happiness) methodology, which he has trained health & social care staff and informal caregivers in for many years.

Ignar’s mission is to see music become a standard part of healthcare, a goal he moves us closer to be empowering individuals, communities and the care sector to discover ways to embed music into the culture of their creative care planning.

During this exciting conversation, Nina and Ignar will signpost ways you can keep your musical choices person-centred, and dig into how music impacts the caregiving and dementia experiences.

Using music to support everyone’s wellbeing can…

~ Reduce agitation

~ Consolidate a fraying sense of identity

~ Connect people across divides in communication

How do you embed more music into your day to day activities, and turn it into a Creative Care Plan?

Listen to this episode of Music Helps and catch up on earlier conversations right here 👉 https://tinyurl.com/35ajsx4z

Find more about Ignar’s amazing work here 👉https://tinyurl.com/4t35neyh

Watch the powerful video of former ballerina Marta Cinta González Saldaña that we talk about here 👉https://tinyurl.com/mwwy469y

#MusicHelps #MusicalWalkabout #IgnarRip #MuziekGeluk #MusicHappinness #DutchMusicAndDementiaPractitioner #Music #Dementia #Wellbeing #CareOrientedPlaylist #FabNHSStuff #Songsters #CreativeCarePlan #StartWithThePatientAndWorkBackwards #MusicIsACareTool #WeAreACareTool