S2E1 - Season 2 Opener - Mark Stavish Uncensored!

In the Weedz

Jan 8 2024 • 1 hr 32 mins

In this episode, we were joined by Mark Stavish, the Director of the Institute for Hermetic Studies for a great conversation across a myriad of topics.  Mark gave us a few predictions for 2024 along with his no-holds-barred thoughts regarding the state of the esoteric today, and the importance of finding yourself as well as a group of like-minded practitioners.

As a rule, we do not edit our podcast episodes.  They are recorded as a live session with no script.  Our episodes are always a showcase of free-flowing conversation and the guest's opinions are their own as they are entitled to be.  We all must learn to work together and that includes working with others whose opinions do not always align.

This was a large part of the conversation in that we are too often separated from others because they do not match our personal criteria for acceptance or even listening.  How much we miss by making knee-jerk, emotional decisions because someone didn't use the 'right' words or feel like we do.

We are fortunate to have someone of Mark's caliber in our midst and his exceptionally thorough knowledge combines perfectly with his ability to explain complex topics simply; it is truly a blessing, especially for those dipping their toe into the very deep pool of the esoteric.