Hate Watching with Dan and Tony

Dan Goodsell and Tony Czech

Unprofessional, unsolicited and unwanted opinions from Dan and Tony as they watch movies and tell you what's wrong with them. read less
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Hate Watching Gemini Man
3d ago
Hate Watching Gemini Man
Could a clone ever truly understand who they are? Journey with us as we tackle the mind-bending complexities of "Gemini Man" and unravel the layers of this action-packed film. We start with a dose of humor, engaging in some playful banter about personal interests, from Dan's unexpected opinion on trains to Tony's quest for the perfect climate. Our light-hearted chatter even leads us to hilariously debunk the Goldilocks story, touching on quirky habits and cultural practices that add a unique twist to our conversation.As we go deeper, we meticulously dissect the plot of "Gemini Man" and the moral dilemmas it presents. You'll hear a thorough critique of Henry's assassination mission on a Belgian bullet train and the bizarre intersections of his professional and personal life. We leave no stone unturned as we scrutinize the black-and-white moral framework, the mysterious Project Gemini, and the perplexing decisions made by the shadowy organization behind it all. Our discussion brings to light the confusion and questions that arise from the protagonist's journey and the film's portrayal of secretive operations and cloning.Finally, we examine the technical aspects of the film, including the use of CGI and high frame rates, while also critiquing the emotional depth of Will Smith's character. From the intense action scenes to the unexpected father-son dynamics, we offer a humorous analysis that questions the movie's logic and coherence. So, tune in for critical insights, humorous observations, and engaging commentary that promises to keep you entertained from start to finish.Written lovingly with AIBe our friend!Dan: @shakybaconTony: @tonydczechAnd follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT
Hate Watching Hitman: Agent 47
Jun 5 2024
Hate Watching Hitman: Agent 47
Ever wondered how you could create a hit game app without the annoyance of ads? Join us for a hilarious brainstorming session where we tackle that conundrum and somehow land on coining an unfortunate term, "HPV," for hybrid YouTube videos and podcasts. We then dive headfirst into the chaotic world of "Hitman: Agent 47," where we dissect everything from implausible survival tactics to convoluted plots, while reminiscing about the golden era of Roger Corman's double-feature films. If you've ever questioned the logic of movie chase scenes or the quality of their dialogue, this one's for you!Next, we take a stab at unraveling the complex web of DNA manipulation and genetic editing, comparing it to everything from Jurassic Park to a romantic comedy. We break down the science and sprinkle in some ethical considerations, making sure to keep it light and accessible. Our discussion doesn't shy away from critiquing the absurdities of action-packed movie moments, from improbable escapes to laughable character developments. You'll find our humorous take on these scenes both entertaining and thought-provoking.To top it all off, we share some nostalgia about iconic comic book characters and tease our upcoming review of "Gemini Man." Plus, a few light-hearted debates on seafood restaurants and the art of cheddar biscuits! Don't miss our closing reminder to like, subscribe, and stay tuned for more engaging (and often comically critical) discussions. Special shoutout to our loyal listeners, Todd and Tom, for sticking with us through the madness. Tune in for our next episode where we promise another rollercoaster ride through the world of movies!This Description written lovingly by AIBe our friend!Dan: @shakybaconTony: @tonydczechAnd follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT
Hate Watching Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire
May 30 2024
Hate Watching Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire
Remember that time we got into a heated debate about Capicola ham and couldn't stop laughing? Well, buckle up because Purple Dan and Tie Dye Tony are back with another riotous review, this time taking on "Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire" (2024). We kick off with some good-natured ribbing about our aging looks and quirky personalities, setting the stage for our take on a film that, quite frankly, left us colder than its title suggests. We dissect why this supposed "Frozen Empire" neither chills nor thrills, poking fun at its overcrowded ensemble of characters and bewildering plot choices. And no worries, the sheer number of subpar new releases ensures we won't be running out of material anytime soon!Ever wondered why some sequels just can't recapture the magic of the originals? Well, you're in for a treat as we lament the lack of engaging characters and humor in the latest Ghostbusters flick. Kumail Nanjiani's character may offer a fleeting moment of fun, but the thin storyline and underutilized stars like Finn Wolfhard leave us yearning for the good old days of Bill Murray's quick wit. Speaking of Murray, even his comedic genius couldn't salvage a script that seems as lost as the ghosts it aims to bust. We also analyze a particularly baffling scene, comparing it to the second Ghostbusters film, and critiquing the new team's lack of distinct skills and roles.The plot thickens—but not in a good way—as we unravel the film's convoluted twists and head-scratching character motivations. From Phoebe's inexplicable decisions to Garak's murky control over the team, we explore the myriad ways the narrative stumbles. Highlights include our take on the fire master showdown and the absurd ghostly horn retrieval, complete with plenty of Purple Dan and Tie Dye Tony's signature wit. The climactic team's effort, or lack thereof, sparks a discussion on the flawed logic and ineffective strategies that plague the film. Tune in for a comedic yet incisive critique of "Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire," where we leave no proton pack unturned!This description written lovingly with AI.Be our friend!Dan: @shakybaconTony: @tonydczechAnd follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT
Hate Watching Unfrosted
May 20 2024
Hate Watching Unfrosted
Have you ever watched a movie so perplexing that you just had to talk about it? That's exactly what happened with Jerry Seinfeld's "Unfrosted," and we're serving up a full breakdown with a side of sarcasm. Join us, Dan and Tony, as we dissect the film's underbaked humor and the curious case of historical mascots in shoddy costumes. It's a wild ride through comedic miscues and a script that needed more time in the oven, but we promise you'll come away with more than a half-toasted understanding of where this pastry-themed film went awry.Ever wondered how a ravioli could survive in an aquarium or why a kid might pack a toaster during a runaway attempt? We tackle these surreal moments with a blend of amusement and critique. Our conversation snacks on the oddities of the narrative, the clunky integration of historical references, and a cereal award show that was more cringe than crunch. With guest appearances by Amy Schumer and Jim Gaffigan, we chew through performances and ponder the comedic potential of space race products that somehow didn't translate into out-of-this-world laughter.To top off our episode, we sink our teeth into the satirical layers of "Unfrosted," measuring the sprinkle of humor against the dough of historical context. We debate whether Rice Krispie Treats demand a chocolate topping while reflecting on how a seemingly straightforward story of Pop-Tarts got so crumbly. From McCarthy's comedic flickers to Marsden's solid turn, we're unpacking it all—no toasting necessary. So, grab a snack and tune in for our frosted analysis; it's a conversation that's sure to pop.This description written proudly by AI.Be our friend!Dan: @shakybaconTony: @tonydczechAnd follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT
Hate Watching A Good Day to Die Hard
May 15 2024
Hate Watching A Good Day to Die Hard
Ever find yourself shouting at the screen during an action flick because the characters' decisions defy all logic? Buckle up, as we, your audacious hosts Dan and Tony, peel back the layers of cinematic chaos in "A Good Day to Die Hard." We're not just here to poke fun at the excessive shaky cam or the monochromatic misery that plagues this film; we're dissecting the very core of what makes—or in this case, breaks—a Die Hard experience.Strap in for an odyssey through Hollywood's questionable choices, as we traverse the evolution of John McClane from his literary origins to the big screen icon we've come to love (and sometimes sigh at). A carrot-wielding dancer turned violent thug? A courtroom hitman witness? We're unpacking these bizarre moments with the same gusto we reserve for a fresh bowl of popcorn. And don't worry, we're not letting the industry off the hook for the 2012-2015 blockbuster blues—we're calling out every facepalm-worthy moment along the way.As the curtain falls on this action-packed critique, we shift gears and reflect on the lighter side of entertainment. From the anticipated curiosity of Jerry Seinfeld's "Pop-Tarts" project to the undying charm of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia," we cover the landscape of comedy with the same fervor we reserve for taking down Hollywood's biggest blunders. Join us for an episode that promises as many laughs as it does facepalms—this is "Hey, Watch It with Dan and Tony," where no film is safe from our relentless review.Be our friend!Dan: @shakybaconTony: @tonydczechAnd follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT
Hate Watching Rebel Moon – Part Two: The Scargiver
May 8 2024
Hate Watching Rebel Moon – Part Two: The Scargiver
Ever found yourself laughing at a farmer's market mix-up one moment and then passionately debating the tactical blunders of action-packed blockbusters the next? Well, that's precisely where Tony and I landed in our latest gabfest, taking you from chuckles to critiques as we dissect the newest Hollywood hits and misses. We give you the lowdown on everything from "Rebel Moon 2" to the emotional depth of classic characters, all while weaving in our personal misadventures and the peculiarities of movie critique podcasts.Imagine a world where slow motion in battle scenes is more yawn-inducing than awe-inspiring, and where character arcs are as flat as a day-old soda. That's the landscape Tony and I traverse, picking apart character development—or the lack thereof—in the latest action flicks. Weighing the merits of Zach Snyder's "Rebel Moon 2" against the iconic charm of "Star Wars," we don't shy away from pointing out the missteps in storytelling that leave us craving more Han Solo and less humdrum heroes. Plus, we jump into a dialogue on warfare portrayal in films that's as fiery as an on-screen explosion, debating the impact of R-rated cuts and the authenticity of battle strategies.Before you think it's all doom and gloom, join us as we reflect on the oddities and plot holes that somehow keep us hooked, even when logic takes a backseat to intergalactic travel logistics and sentient engines. We also toss a bone to sports fans, sharing our heated anticipation for the NBA playoffs and the NFL draft, and then cap things off with a look back at the Hollywood films of 2013. Was it truly the worst year for movies, or are we just romancing the bomb? Tune in, share your thoughts, and buckle up for a ride that's as raucous as it is insightful—no green screens necessary.Be our friend!Dan: @shakybaconTony: @tonydczechAnd follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT
Hate Watching 47 Ronin
May 1 2024
Hate Watching 47 Ronin
Prepare for an epic clash of opinions as Dan and I tackle the cinematic spectacle that is "47 Ronin," with none other than Keanu Reeves leading the charge. This isn't your typical samurai tale; it's a whirlwind of fantasy, questionable character choices, and a wild Dogecoin gamble that's almost as fantastical as the film itself. You won't want to miss the fireworks as we go head-to-head over the film's rewatchability, the enchanting yet underutilized witch, and the mishandling of a hefty Netflix budget.Venture with us into the murky waters of "47 Ronin's" often bewildering narrative choices, where samurai and sorcery collide with mixed results. The emotional weight of classics like "Gladiator" hangs over our discussion as we consider what elements could've bolstered this film's storyline. We don't hold back, pondering the cultural authenticity versus Hollywood glitz and the stumbles in engaging international audiences. Plus, we've got a full roster of other screen gems and blunders to dissect, from the reality-warping "Gogglebox" to the eerie authenticity of "Baby Reindeer."Rounding out our cinematic rollercoaster ride, we sift through the confusion and entertainment that "47 Ronin" provides, questioning Tengu Forest's narrative oddities and the climax's chaotic escape. And for the aesthetically driven, we share thoughts on "Rebel Moon's" visual appeal despite its narrative shortcomings. So, whether you're here for the critique, the comedy, or simply to hear Dan and I spar over the merits of on-screen sorcery, you're in for a treat. Just press play and join the debate that's as sharp as a samurai's blade and as unpredictable as a witch's spell.Be our friend!Dan: @shakybaconTony: @tonydczechAnd follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT
Hate Watching In A Dark Place
Apr 24 2024
Hate Watching In A Dark Place
Ever wonder if a head-scratching film can actually be a prequel without telling you? This week, Dan and Tony tackle the circuitous storytelling of "In a Dark Place"​—yes, that adaptation of "A Turn of the Screw"—and wrestle with a climax that's more bewildering than a plot twist in a labyrinth. We're peering through the lens of both laughter and critique, dissecting the odd dynamics between characters, the seemingly gratuitous scenes, and the perplexing sexual undertones that leave us as befuddled as a pair of detectives at a ghost convention.Hold onto your popcorn, because our cinematic safari doesn't stop there. We're diving into the murky waters of "The Turning," where the sudden pivot to religious symbolism in the film's final moments leaves us gasping for air—metaphorically speaking. From improvised dialogue that feels like a game of narrative Mad Libs, to character decisions that defy logic, we keep the banter buoyant as we navigate the stormy seas of this adaptation's attempt at provocative storytelling. And if you think ghostly encounters with dolls and masked figures are where the weirdness ends, think again.It's a whirlwind of wonky jokes and untapped drumming potential that might just have you questioning the very fabric of cinematic comedy. So join Tony and me as we muse on everything from the oddities of art therapy in film to the strange allure of schoolyard dynamics—all while maintaining a healthy dose of skepticism about whether our beloved Finn Wolfhard could have been the saving grace of a haunted Bly Manor. Grab a seat and let's get reel about movies!Be our friend!Dan: @shakybaconTony: @tonydczechAnd follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT
Hate Watching The Turning
Apr 17 2024
Hate Watching The Turning
Embark on a cinematic journey with Dan and Tony as we unravel the spectral tale of "The Turning," where confusion reigns supreme and ghostly encounters challenge the protagonist's grip on reality. As we dissect this adaptation entangled in the same web as Mike Flanagan's "The Haunting of Bly Manor," we're left scratching our heads at the plot twists and character dynamics that seem to play a game of flashlight tag with our understanding. From questionable '90s music choices to the deeper meanings behind tattoos and empty gumball machines, join us for a dissection of a film that teeters on the edge of the supernatural and the sanity of its characters.Lean in and listen closely as we hold nothing back, critiquing the film's attempt to blur lines that perhaps shouldn't have been drawn in the first place. Our analysis is rife with the enigmatic aroma of old polaroids, the whisperings of ghostly children, and a lake with secrets as murky as its waters. As we ponder the unsettling advances of one character and the mysterious pasts of others, the haunted house backdrop serves as the perfect canvas for our spirited dialogue. And who could forget the classic "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" references as we navigate the cobwebbed corridors of haunted houses and debate the virtues of a savior in this eerie maelstrom?Wrapping up with a bout of laughter and some sage advice from a UCB comedian on the art of universal humor, we tackle the significance behind every misplaced spider and disembodied hand. The episode closes on the chilling notes of a ghostly reenactment and a protagonist teetering on the brink of madness. So, if you're eager for a ride through the twists and turns of a thriller that aims to leave you second-guessing what's real, make sure to tune in to this episode of Hate Watching with Dan and Tony.Be our friend!Dan: @shakybaconTony: @tonydczechAnd follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT
Hate Watching Bucky Larson: Born to be a Star
Apr 10 2024
Hate Watching Bucky Larson: Born to be a Star
Ever found yourself questioning your movie-picking prowess after a particularly dreadful flick? Well, buckle up as Dan and Tony, your guides in the realm of regrettable comedies, tear into "Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star" with the kind of fervor reserved for fruitcake at a bake sale. Our episode isn't just about the cringe-inducing antics of a film that can't decide if it's a comedy or a gross-out festival; it's a laughter-laden voyage through the mishaps of a potential laugh riot that somehow forgot to pack the punchlines. With a sprinkling of personal tales, we tiptoe around the landmines of lackluster humor and baffling character choices that left us more confused than amused."Destined for Greatness?" Hardly. As we step into the Hollywood dreamscape with Bucky and his bewildering rise to adult film fame, we can't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. From the peculiar bee-in-shorts debacle to the Midwestern accent that chews the scenery harder than a locust swarm, we navigate the film's attempts at comedy that miss the mark by a country mile. Amidst the side-splitting banter, we also ponder what this film could have been with a bit more narrative polish and character depth – a true Cinderella story for the adult industry, perhaps?As we wrap up our cinematic roast with a generous helping of sage recommendations, we're not just about the belly laughs; we're here to steer you toward the promised land of entertainment. Find out why we're applauding the latest season of "Taskmaster," which books are keeping us hooked, and why you might want to give "Argyle" a chance despite its mixed reviews. From our candid take on "Tacoma FD" to the unexpected merits of skipping to the second season of the "Halo" series, our podcast is a treasure trove of insights for those who like their critiques served with a side of hilarity.Be our friend!Dan: @shakybaconTony: @tonydczechAnd follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT
Hate Watching Madame Web
Apr 2 2024
Hate Watching Madame Web
Prepare to be astonished as we, your intrepid hosts Dan and Tony, tear into "Madame Web" a superhero fiasco that plummeted from high expectations into the depths of cinematic despair. We're not holding back—even Dakota Johnson's furrowed brow couldn't mask the confusion of her character's rage or save the tangled mess of a plot that left us more bewildered than a spider after a dust buster encounter. Strap in for a rollicking review where we dissect questionable fight choreography, mystifying CPR techniques, and a soundtrack that'll have you checking your calendar to make sure we're still in the 21st century.This episode isn't all doom and gloom; we've got our fair share of head-scratching laughs as we navigate peculiar plot twists that would leave even M. Night Shyamalan flummoxed. From venomous villainy to the enigmatic Spider People and their arboreal antics, we take shots at the ludicrous twists that had us questioning our own reality. But wait until you hear our take on the game-changing Spider-Man costume caper—our critique of this and the curious case of an indestructible ambulance will have you wondering if you're listening to a podcast or a stand-up routine.And because we're not just about tearing down dreams, join us as we marvel at the CGI wizardry of "Top Gun: Maverick" and ponder the authenticity of Christopher Nolan's effects. The film industry is our playground, and we swing from the heights of aerial stunts to the gritty alleyways we expect in the upcoming "Madame Web" movie. Plus, we give a shout-out to Radio Company, the band with Jensen Ackles that slipped under our radar until now—how did we miss that voice? Buckle up, film fans, for an episode that's part film criticism, part comedy, and entirely unmissable.Be our friend!Dan: @shakybaconTony: @tonydczechAnd follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT
Hate Watching The Green Hornet
Apr 2 2024
Hate Watching The Green Hornet
Get set for a rollercoaster of laughs and head-scratching moments as we pull apart the 2011 movie "Green Hornet." It's Dan and Tony here, ready to serve up a steaming helping of movie critique with a side of snark. We'll navigate through Seth Rogen's unexpected superhero antics and the film's peculiar choices, overlaying our insights with the stark realities of celebrity net worth versus our own. We're not just watching the movie; we're peeling back the layers of its narrative choices and examining the odd dynamic between the wealthy playboy, Britt Reid, and his sidekick, Kato.Fasten your seatbelts because we're tearing through the bewildering superpowers, comedic mishaps, and everything in between. We scrutinize character relationships, the film's attempt at humor that misses the mark, and question the development of said characters. But that's not all! We draw comparisons to classic films and even share a laugh about the potential aspirations of a "paycheck movie." And, of course, what's a heroic tale without examining the villainous Christoph Waltz and the tone he sets right from his opening scene?To top it off, we're not just sticking to "Green Hornet." Our cinematic conversation stretches across the spectrum of screen treasures, from comforting flicks to the hottest series that have us buzzing. We even look ahead, speculating on future classics and giving you a taste of what's in store with "Venom: The Last Dance." Trust us, whether you're here for the film dissections or just cruising for a good time, you'll find plenty to enjoy in this action-packed episode. So, come along for the ride—it's time to get real about movies, the good, the bad, and the hilariously awful.Be our friend!Dan: @shakybaconTony: @tonydczechAnd follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT
Hate Watching Monster Trucks
Mar 20 2024
Hate Watching Monster Trucks
Strap in, folks, because we're peeling out on a cinematic odyssey that may just shift your perspective on those so-called "flops" rattling around Tinseltown. Remember "Monster Trucks"? That's where we're kicking things off, but brace yourself—it's not the takedown you'd expect. We're mounting a spirited defense of this underdog, digging into what it really takes to charm the ankle-biters of the world with Hollywood magic. And while we're talking about charm, let's not forget the behemoth of childhood nostalgia—"Free Willy." We'll unpack the art of the beloved and the berated, all while chuckling at the absurdity of a 26-year-old high school student.As we cruise through this episode, we'll navigate the nooks and crannies of character development—or the lack thereof—in our latest movie watch. Characters like Barry Pepper's sheriff and our MacGyver-esque hero Trip might have you questioning their choices, but hey, that's part of the fun, right? And speaking of fun, what's a monster truck showdown without a good old-fashioned critique of physics-defying stunts, monster intelligence, and a hearty dose of destruction without consequences? Buckle up, because we're in for some laughs, head-scratching moments, and maybe a couple of "a-ha" revelations along the way.Finally, we're revving up the conversation to include a taste of sinister surveillance, monster hunts, and the occasional philosophical musing. Plus, we'll toss some love to director Chris Wedge and his journey from "Monster Trucks" to "Ice Age," proving that in Hollywood, the road less traveled might just be the most rewarding. So, grab your headphones, and let's burn rubber through an episode that's as much a blast from the past as it is a pedal-to-the-metal thrill ride.Be our friend!Dan: @shakybaconTony: @tonydczechAnd follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT
Hate Watching Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
Mar 5 2024
Hate Watching Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
Ever wondered what happens when superhero antics collide with real-world issues like climate change? Join us as we go beyond the surface of "Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom," where we offer our frank take on the sequel's whirlpool of politics, character arcs, and a tidal wave of CGI action. We're not just critiquing; we're laughing at the absurdity of it all, from Topo the octopus drummer's encore to the curious case of Dolph Lundgren's underutilized talent. Get ready for a deep-sea adventure that's as much about the laughable logic of superhero physics as it is about the serious attempt at environmental awareness.Prepare to be swept away by our debate over the film's intricate plot points and character dynamics, where we scrutinize everything from the questionable effectiveness of Orm's leadership to the enigmatic powers of the Trident. We'll also share our bewilderment at the movie's handling of fatherhood versus kingly duties. But that's not all – we'll give you an insider's perspective on the potential clash between committee decisions and audience expectations, drawing comparisons to other movie missteps like "Morbius."Wrapping up our Atlantean escapade, we'll give you a sneak peek at the next episodes on our radar. From our reluctant household bug policies to the excitement brewing for our take on 'Monster Trucks,' we're diving into a variety of topics. We'll even dip our toes into the live-action 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' series and speculate on the potential end of the DCEU. So grab your trident, and let's navigate the currents of movie critique, laughter, and what it means to be a hero in today's world.Be our friend!Dan: @shakybaconTony: @tonydczechAnd follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT
Hate Watching The Legend of Tarzan
Feb 28 2024
Hate Watching The Legend of Tarzan
Could "The Legend of Tarzan" possibly swing any further from the tree of its classic source material? That's the vine Dan and Tony are shaking this week as we unpack the jungle of issues plaguing this cinematic misadventure. Join us for a romp through the tangled underbrush of this film's narrative missteps, from Tarzan's questionable life in England to those CGI critters that couldn't fool a two-year-old. Get ready for a ride that's part critique, part comedy, and entirely unfiltered.Let's address the elephant in the room—or should we say the hippo? Tarzan's animal buddies might be on the CGI side of unbelievable, but nothing beats the head-scratching action sequences and a certain character's newfound hobby of rosary-slinging. And while we've got a soft spot for Samuel L. Jackson trying to save the day, even he can't rescue this film from its own narrative quicksand. So, what's more realistic: Tarzan's raw egg diet or Alexander Skarsgård's abs? We're placing our bets.Wrapping up, we take a potshot at the film's attempt to be a sequel without giving us the original, like serving dessert before the main course. We'll leave you pondering whether Tarzan's jungle call should be a signal for help or just a sign to switch off the TV. Whether you're here for our take on the king of the jungle or simply crave a hearty laugh at the expense of Hollywood folly, we've got you covered!Be our friend!Dan: @shakybaconTony: @tonydczechAnd follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT
Hate Watching Highlander II: The Quickening
Feb 21 2024
Hate Watching Highlander II: The Quickening
Prepare to be whisked away to the year 2024, not for flying cars or robot butlers, but for a cinematic autopsy of "Highlander 2: The Quickening," a sequel that baffles and bewilders. We, your always-curious hosts, embark on a roller coaster of emotions as we dissect the ins and outs of this notorious film, exploring its wild departures and the desperate attempts to retcon its way out of narrative disasters. From the laughable fight scenes to Sean Connery's anachronistic antics, we don't hold back on the details that make this movie a true enigma in the realm of sequels.Strap in for a journey through the "Highlander" universe, complete with detours into its various iterations and the looming shadow of a potential reboot with Henry Cavill. We'll navigate the convoluted plot lines and questionable creative choices that have led this franchise through a maze of TV spin-offs and cartoon adaptations. And we'll ponder whether the essence of immortal combat can ever truly be reclaimed, all while taking comedic jabs at jet-winged characters and opera house resurrections that could only belong to the "Highlander" saga.As we wrap up this episode's exploration, we tease the next installment where we tackle the perplexing performance of Margot Robbie in a mystery film that has long left us scratching our heads. With a mix of excitement and skepticism, we're gearing up for a deep dive into a movie that, much like "Highlander 2," promises a trove of bewildering decisions and cinematic conundrums. Join us as we prepare our analytical scalpels for another episode that promises both laughter and bewilderment.Be our friend!Dan: @shakybaconTony: @tonydczechAnd follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT
Hate Watching The Core
Feb 7 2024
Hate Watching The Core
Buckle up for a journey that defies gravity—and credibility—as Dan and Tony recount a chaotic New York escapade and dive into the seismic sci-fi adventure, "The Core." We crack open the debate on whether scientific plausibility should trump imaginative storytelling in films like these, and celebrate the genre for spotlighting societal issues through its wild alternate realities. With Aaron Eckhart and Hilary Swank's performances grounding the chaos of crumbling cities, we marvel at the genre's capacity to entertain while sparking thoughtful discourse.From the symphony of sound mixing to the spotlight on college professors, our discussion spans the spectrum of disaster film elements. We tip our hats to the real acting chops displayed in "The Core," while sharing a chuckle over the missed opportunities in the portrayal of academia on screen. The chapter-by-chapter breakdown peels back the layers on character introductions, suspenseful shuttle landings, and the staples of the genre that keep audiences on the edge of their seats.As the earth's crust isn't the only thing getting cracked, we turn the lens on the film's darker moments of sacrifice and the simmering tension within Mission Control. We chew over the use of 'unobtainium,' the plausibility of Rat the hacker, and muse on the simmering chemistry between our leads. Wrapping up with a splash of nostalgia and a quick tour of our latest film and TV cravings, this episode is your golden ticket to rediscovering the joy of cinematic chaos and heartfelt heroics.Be our friend!Dan: @shakybaconTony: @tonydczechAnd follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT
Hate Watching Freelance
Jan 31 2024
Hate Watching Freelance
Hey film fanatics, Dan and Tony here to serve up a piping hot dish of cinematic critique with a side of podcast confessional. Ever watched a movie so puzzling it turned your popcorn stale? That was us wrestling with the identity crisis that is John Cena's "Freelance." From Cena's stoic facade to the antagonist's scene-stealing antics, we're peeling back the layers of this genre-jumbled flick. Allison Brie's undercooked story arc? We're on it. The editing gaffes that stole our chuckles? We've got jokes of our own to cover that. Join us for a hearty roast of a film that left us hungrier for the Cena charm we know and love.Prepare for a plot dissection that would have surgeons applauding our precision, as we tackle this film's narrative rollercoaster. From bizarre village escapades to a character's sudden patriotic shift, we're dissecting Cena's struggle to portray a depth he's not given and Brie's attempts at forced chemistry. It's a journey through the movie's muddled motivations and questionable character accents – with enough inconsistencies to have us considering a career in screenwriting. And for those who savor the sweet taste of behind-the-scenes drama, we're dishing out a candid look at the recent plateau of our own podcast's subscriber growth.Strap in for an episode that's part movie autopsy, part confessional booth, as we navigate the complexities of a film trying to balance comedy with a critique of Western influence on smaller countries. From Cena's standout line that had us snickering to a climactic firefight with misplaced rock music, we're breaking down this cinematic conundrum for your listening pleasure. Oh, and if you're curious about our next adventure, let's just say we have an enticing expedition to the "center of the world" that you won't want to miss.Be our friend!Dan: @shakybaconTony: @tonydczechAnd follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT
Hate Watching Dark Phoenix
Jan 19 2024
Hate Watching Dark Phoenix
Could the X-Men have stood a chance against the cinematic juggernaut that is "Avengers: Endgame"? We're closing out our series on the X-Men reboot with a fiery critique of "X-Men: Dark Phoenix," diving into its untimely release and how it may have contributed to its box office downfall. As we bid farewell to the franchise, we spare no detail in examining narrative mishaps, including Jean Grey's overshadowed journey and the stray shots from the source material that left fans puzzled. We even take a moment, between the serious analysis, to chuckle at some of the movie's more perplexing decisions and how certain scenes left us scratching our heads.When you have characters as rich as Mystique, Cyclops, and Storm, it's a wonder how their depictions in "Dark Phoenix" veered so far from their comic roots. Tensions rise as we dissect the altered leadership dynamics and discuss Jennifer Lawrence's Mystique taking the reins in a way that left many core fans feeling disoriented. We also pull apart the thread of Professor X's repeated manipulations, questioning their impact on the film's faithfulness to the original narrative. Between poignant critiques, we can't help but let out a laugh over some of the film's bizarre moments that seem to defy both logic and gravity.As we look ahead with anticipation for more authentic representations in superhero cinema, teased by "Deadpool 3," we reflect on the missed opportunities for character arcs throughout the X-Men series, especially for Jean Grey. And just when you think we're done, we gear up for our next cinematic adventure: the Shane Blackathon, where we'll chew over the savory bits of his directorial feats and gristle through the not-so-great, inviting our audience to join in on the discussion. Get ready for a whirlwind of humor, critique, and a deep appreciation for superhero flicks and the craft of storytelling.Be our friend!Dan: @shakybaconTony: @tonydczechAnd follow the podcast on IG: @hatewatchingDAT