
Eric & Anita

Taiwanica is a podcast made for those who are interested in hearing the cultural differences between the USA and Taiwan. These topics are discussed between a married couple: Eric (American) and Anita (Taiwanese).  They are teachers and life coaches who help people improve their quality of life.

IG: @taiwanicapodcast

Taiwanica是一個專為對於美國和台灣之間文化差異感興趣的人所設計的播客。這些議題是由一對已婚夫妻討論的:Eric(美國人)and Anita(台灣人)。他們是教師兼生活教練,幫助人們提升生活品質。

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Top 3 Red Flags of a Toxic Relationship and How to Improve Communication | Taiwanica Episode 80
May 17 2024
Top 3 Red Flags of a Toxic Relationship and How to Improve Communication | Taiwanica Episode 80
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)Welcome to Taiwanica, Episode 80, Friday Short. I'm your host, Anita. Today, we delve into a crucial topic: identifying three red flags that indicate you might be in a toxic love relationship. Relationships are inherently complicated, and it's essential to distinguish between healthy dynamics and those needing improvement. By the end of this episode, I will share practical methods to enhance communication with your loved one. Let’s get started!Red Flag 1: ComparisonComparison is a significant indicator of a toxic relationship. If your partner frequently compares you to others, it's a sign of dissatisfaction. Whether it’s about physical appearance, financial status, or other attributes, comparison is harmful. For instance, if your partner says, "I wish you had a body like that celebrity" or "My friend's husband buys her expensive gifts, why don't you?" it shows they want you to change to meet their expectations. This behavior suggests a lack of appreciation for who you are, creating an imbalance in the relationship.Red Flag 2: Not Willing to ApologizeEveryone makes mistakes, but a healthy relationship requires acknowledging and apologizing for them. If your partner refuses to admit mistakes or apologize, it's a red flag. This behavior indicates a reluctance to make sacrifices or admit faults, hindering any chance of improvement. For example, if your partner checks out other people and, when confronted, dismisses your feelings instead of apologizing, it shows a lack of respect and willingness to address issues.Red Flag 3: BelittlingBelittling involves making you feel inferior or less significant. This can manifest in public or private settings. If your partner dismisses your opinions or makes decisions without your input, it's a severe red flag. Statements like, "I make the money, so I make the decisions," highlight a power imbalance. Belittling damages self-esteem and indicates a fundamental disrespect in the relationship.Conclusion:Recognizing these red flags is the first step toward addressing issues in a toxic relationship. However, improvement is possible if both partners are willing to work on it. Effective communication is key. Express your feelings without judgment, excuses, or comparison. Strive for a balaSupport the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾
Friday Shorts: From Envy to Empowerment: A Journey of Self-Discovery S2 EP 79
May 9 2024
Friday Shorts: From Envy to Empowerment: A Journey of Self-Discovery S2 EP 79
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)羨慕是什麼?跟嫉妒一樣嗎?Understanding Envy and How It Differs from JealousyIn this episode of the Taiwanica Podcast's Solo Friday Special, host Eric delves into the topic of envy, exploring its definition, impact on daily life, and how it differs from jealousy. The discussion highlights envy as not solely negative but as an emotion that can be transformed into a positive force if understood and utilized properly. Through vivid metaphors, including the contrasting sides of a street, Eric illustrates how envy can trap individuals in a state of dissatisfaction but also how, with awareness and actionable steps, one can harness envy as a motivator for achieving personal goals. The episode further differentiates envy from jealousy through examples and emphasizes the importance of recognizing abundance in the world, thereby reducing the power of both emotions. Eric concludes with an invitation for feedback and engagement on social media platforms and the personal website.在《Taiwanica Podcast》的「獨家星期五特輯」中,主持人Eric深入探討了羨慕這一主題,探索其定義、對日常生活的影響,以及與嫉妒的區別。討論突出了羨慕不單是一種負面情感,也是一種如果被正確理解和利用,就可以轉化為正面力量的情感。透過生動的比喻,包括街道的對立面,Eric說明了羨慕是如何把人困住在不滿的狀態,但也解釋了只要具備意識和可行的步驟,人們就可以將羨慕轉化為實現個人目標的動力。本集通過例子進一步區分了羨慕和嫉妒,並強調了認識世界的豐富性的重要,進而減少這兩種情感的影響。Eric最後邀請聽眾在社交媒體平台和個人網站上提供反饋和參與。Support the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾
Ericの台灣前五愛(美食篇)Taste of Taiwan: Eric's Top 5 Foodie Discoveries S2 EP 78
May 8 2024
Ericの台灣前五愛(美食篇)Taste of Taiwan: Eric's Top 5 Foodie Discoveries S2 EP 78
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)這個腳本討論了台灣不同地方的各種美味食物體驗,包括台北的松露餐廳、花蓮的夜市、台東列車上的便當、古巴的漢堡和薯條店,以及名為貝拉羅馬的意大利餐廳。Eric 和 Anita 描述了每個地方獨特的菜餚和氛圍,分享了他們的個人經歷和推薦。The script discusses various delicious food experiences in different places in Taiwan, including a truffle restaurant in Taipei, a night market in Hualien, a bento on a train in Taidong, a hamburger and fries spot in Cuba, and an Italian restaurant called Bella Roma. Eric and Anita describe the unique dishes and atmosphere of each place, sharing their personal experiences and recommendations.Support the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾
5 Easy Life Hacks for a Healthier Diet Friday Shorts Taiwanica Podcast S2 EP 17
Apr 26 2024
5 Easy Life Hacks for a Healthier Diet Friday Shorts Taiwanica Podcast S2 EP 17
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)The script discusses five simple yet powerful life hacks to enhance your diet, including tips on food eating order, buying local produce, choosing organic foods, staying hydrated by drinking water before eating, and chewing with your mouth closed to improve digestion and overall health.The key points discussed in this episode include: 1. Importance of food eating order - starting with veggies or protein before carbs to balance blood sugar levels. 2. Benefits of eating locally for economic, environmental, and health reasons. 3. Distinction between eating locally and organically for nutrient absorption and health benefits. 4. The significance of staying hydrated and differentiating thirst from hunger to prevent overeating. 5. The impact of chewing with your mouth closed on digestion and overall health benefits.Support the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾
Embracing Humanity: A Deep Dive into Selfishness, Selflessness, and Authentic Living | Taiwanica Podcast
Apr 19 2024
Embracing Humanity: A Deep Dive into Selfishness, Selflessness, and Authentic Living | Taiwanica Podcast
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)中文在下面!Who knew that our 75th episode at Taiwanica Podcast would turn into such a soul-searching journey? Anita and I never imagined that our celebration would lead us down the path of dissecting selfishness and selflessness, concepts that have haunted and challenged every one of us. This particular dance of interests—balancing our own needs with the weight of societal expectations—is something that hits close to home for both of us. As we share our personal narratives, with me bringing an American perspective on individualism and Anita considering her Taiwanese roots and familial obligations, we hope to shed light on this universal struggle.The nuances of attending a friend's birthday or the commitment seen in careers like medicine and firefighting might seem worlds apart, yet they converge on the same dilemma: how do we honor our own needs without neglecting those of others? We're all familiar with the guilt that creeps in when we choose ourselves over someone else, but what if there's a way to craft a solution that benefits everyone involved? That's the conversation we're bringing to the table—practical wisdom for creating scenarios where no one has to lose.To cap things off, we dive into the concept of self-value, and how it shouldn't be overshadowed by our drive to serve others. Anita opens up about her struggle with self-care amidst the pressure of familial duty, offering insights into how setting boundaries has become her act of rebellion and self-preservation. And as your hosts, we're excited to tease the idea of an upcoming deep dive into personal values—because learning to live authentically, aligning with what truly matters to us, just might be the key to resolving the age-old conflict between self-interest and selflessness. So join us, as we embrace the full spectrum of what it means to be human, right here on Taiwanica Podcast.誰能想到我們在《Taiwanica Podcast》的第75集會成為如此深入反思的旅程呢?安妮塔和我從未想過我們的慶祝會將我們引向探討自私和無私的道路,這些概念一直困擾並挑戰著我們每個人。利益的這種特定舞蹈──平衡自身需求與社會期望的重量──對我們兩個都是深有感觸的。當我們分享個人故事時,我以美國人的個人主義觀點,安妮塔則考慮她的台灣根源和家庭責任,我們希望能為這個普世之爭帶來新的光明。參加朋友生日的微妙之處,以及醫學和消防等職業中所見的承諾,看似天差地遠,但它們在同一個困境上匯聚:我們如何滿足自身需求而不忽視他人的需求?當我們選擇自己而非他人時,內心總會充滿罪惡感,但如果有一種方法可以制定使每個人都受益的解決方案呢?這正是我們要討論的話題──創造出沒有人必須輸的情境的實用智慧。最後,我們深入探討自我價值的概念,以及它不應被我們服務他人的驅動所掩蓋。安妮塔談到她在家庭責任壓力下的自我關懷困境,提Support the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾
Mastering Decision-Making: 3 Powerful Techniques for Clear Choices | Taiwanica Podcast S2 Episode 16
Apr 18 2024
Mastering Decision-Making: 3 Powerful Techniques for Clear Choices | Taiwanica Podcast S2 Episode 16
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)中文在下面囉!In this episode, Eric talks about three decision making techniques that he uses in his life that have been game changers: 10-10-10 Method:Evaluate decisions based on how they'll impact you in 10 minutes, 10 months, and 10 years.Helps prioritize choices aligned with long-term goals and well-being.Following Your Inner Voice:Tune into intuition by mentally contrasting between two options until one feels more resonant.Ideal for smaller decisions where gut feelings can guide choices effectively.The Eisenhower Technique:Categorize tasks by importance and urgency into four quadrants.Enables effective prioritization for tasks in business, work, or personal life.Here Are The Main Takeaways:Eric's episode on decision-making introduces practical techniques:Long-Term Perspective: Consider the impact of decisions over different timeframes (10-10-10 Method) to align choices with future goals.Intuitive Decision-Making: Trust your inner voice (Following Your Inner Voice) for smaller decisions by mentally contrasting options until one stands out.Task Prioritization: Use the Eisenhower Technique to categorize tasks based on urgency and importance, ensuring efficient allocation of time and resources."下定決心:三種有效技巧幫助做出明智選擇 | Taiwanica第76集"Eric 在台灣播客上分享了三種改變命運的方法,幫助簡化決策過程。10-10-10 方法:根據決策對你在10分鐘、10個月和10年後的影響進行評估。幫助優先考慮符合長期目標和幸福的選擇。聽從內心的聲音:通過在兩個選項之間進行心理對比,直到其中一個感覺更加共鳴來調整直覺。適用於小型決策,直覺感受可以有效地引導選擇。艾森豪威爾技巧:將任務按重要性和緊急性分為四個象限。確保有效優先處理商業、工作或個人生活中的任務。主要要點:Eric 在決策方面的節目介紹了實用的技巧:長遠視角:根據不同時間範圍(10-10-10 方法)評估決策的影響,以符合未來目標。直覺決策:通過聽從內心的聲音(聽從內心的聲音)在小型決策中進行心理對比,直到找到最合適的選擇。任務優先級:使用艾森豪威爾技巧按緊急性和重要性將任務進行分類,確保有效分配時間和資源。Support the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾
Boost Your Energy After a Long Day: 5 Healthy Tips to Feel Refreshed | Taiwanica Mini Friday Episode 74 S2
Apr 12 2024
Boost Your Energy After a Long Day: 5 Healthy Tips to Feel Refreshed | Taiwanica Mini Friday Episode 74 S2
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)中文在下面!In this Taiwanica mini-episode, Anita shares 5 effective and healthy ways to boost your energy levels after a demanding day. Discover practical tips—from energizing music playlists to refreshing drinks and mindful breathing techniques—that will leave you feeling rejuvenated and ready to pursue your passions.Welcome to Taiwanica's mini-episode on Friday, where Anita dives into the topic of boosting energy after a long day. Tune in as she reveals simple yet powerful methods to recharge and prioritize your well-being.Join Anita in this solo episode of ika as she explores 5 actionable ways to revitalize your energy post-work or study. Discover the benefits of energizing music playlists, refreshing drinks like lime water with honey, and mindful breathing techniques. Learn the art of delayed gratification and how committing to passion projects can lead to greater fulfillment. Tune in to energize your life and pursue what truly matters to you!長時間工作後如何提升能量:5個健康小貼士 Anita分享了5個有效且健康的方法,可以在一天忙碌之後提升您的能量水平。從充滿活力的音樂播放列表到清新的飲品,以及正念呼吸技巧,探索這些實用的提示,讓您感到恢復活力,準備好追求自己的熱情。Anita將探討如何在一天的繁忙後提升能量。請收聽她揭示的簡單而有效的方法,讓您重新充電,並優先考慮自己的健康。加入Anita,她將探索5個實踐性的方法,用於工作或學習後恢復能量。了解充滿活力的音樂播放列表、像加蜜檸檬水這樣的清新飲品,以及正念呼吸技巧的好處。了解延遲的满足感之道,以及如何投身於熱情的專案,將帶來更大的成就感。收聽這一期,充滿活力地活出自己的生活,追求真正對您重要的事物!Support the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾
Morning Mastery: Transformative Self-Improvement Habits Friday Shorts S2 EP13
Apr 4 2024
Morning Mastery: Transformative Self-Improvement Habits Friday Shorts S2 EP13
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)下面是中文!Welcome to the Taiwanica Podcast, where we dive into practical strategies for enhancing your mornings and supercharging your day. Join hosts Eric and Anita as they explore the power of morning self-improvement habits that can revolutionize your daily routine. In this episode, discover insightful tips on cultivating a healthy morning routine:Ever wondered how making your bed can positively impact your mindset and productivity throughout the day?Curious about the science behind taking three deep breaths to kickstart mindfulness in the morning?Want to learn simple exercises to get your body moving and boost your energy levels before leaving the house?Discover the surprising benefits of these habits and more, including the impact of flossing your teeth on your overall well-being. Whether you're looking to boost energy levels, enhance mental clarity, or optimize productivity, this podcast episode offers actionable insights to elevate your mornings and transform your life. Tune in and start mastering your mornings today!****The book, 5AM Club, we recommend link is here****早晨的成功秘訣:改變自我提升的習慣歡迎來到《Taiwanica Podcast》,在這裡我們深入探討如何改善早晨並激發你的一天活力。加入主持人Eric和Anita,一起探索早晨自我提升習慣的力量,這些習慣可以徹底改變你的日常生活。在本集中,發現有關培養健康早晨習慣的見解性提示:曾經想過整理床鋪如何積極影響你的心態和全天的工作效率嗎?對於在早晨深呼吸如何啟動正念感到好奇嗎?想學習簡單的鍛煉方法,可以在你離開家之前讓身體活躍起來,提升能量水平嗎?探索這些習慣的意想不到的好處,還有更多,包括牙線對整體健康的影響。無論你是想增加能量,提高思維清晰度,還是優化工作效率,本播客節目都提供了可操作的見解,幫助你提升早晨的質量,徹底改變你的生活。立即收聽,開始掌握早晨的成功秘訣!****這個是我們推薦的書「5AM Club」的連鎖****Support the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾
Top 5 異國戀 台灣和美國 Q&A: Top 5 Most Common Cross Cultural Love Relationship Questions For Taiwan and USA couple! EP 12 S2
Mar 27 2024
Top 5 異國戀 台灣和美國 Q&A: Top 5 Most Common Cross Cultural Love Relationship Questions For Taiwan and USA couple! EP 12 S2
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)(English below!)在這一集中,我們深入探討了來自台灣和美國的異國戀情侶所面臨的細微和挑戰。我們的主持人,Eric and Anita,在誠懇的討論中回答了關於台灣和美國情侶的跨文化關係中最常見的五個問題。1. 文化差異對日常生活的影響:作為一對情侶,文化差異如何影響你們的日常生活?分享一些文化差異影響你們互動、決策或觀點的例子。2. 家人對異國戀的看法:你們的家人對你們的異國戀有什麼看法和意見?在文化差異方面,你們是否曾經面臨過家庭的挑戰或理解的時刻?3. 慶祝特別節日和紀念日:你們是如何慶祝特別節日和紀念日的?考慮到你們不同的文化背景。分享一些融合了台灣和美國文化元素的獨特傳統或做法。4. 為孩子提供雙語和多文化教育:你們是否計劃為未來的孩子提供雙語和多文化教育?談談在保留文化傳統的同時,接納多元文化對子女教育的重要性。5. 應對歧視和刻板印象:你們是否曾因為跨文化關係而遭受歧視或受到奇異對待?分享你們在社會偏見或誤解下如何應對的經歷。讓我們一起探索台灣和美國之間跨文化愛情的動態世界,解答關於夫妻間共同問題、挑戰和溫馨時刻的常見問題。敬請期待我們下一集的深入討論!In this episode, we delve into the intricacies and challenges faced by cross-cultural couples from Taiwan and the United States. Eric and Anita discuss answering the top 5 most common questions surrounding cross-cultural relationships between individuals from Taiwan and the USA.1. Impact of Cultural Differences on Daily Life:How do cultural differences affect your daily life as a couple?Share instances where cultural disparities have influenced your interactions, decisions, or perspectives.2. Family Perspectives on Cross-Cultural Relationships:What are the thoughts and opinions of your families regarding your cross-cultural relationship?Have there been any challenges or moments of understanding with your families regarding cultural disparities?3. Celebrating Special Holidays and Anniversaries:How do you both celebrate special holidays and anniversaries given your diverse cultural backgrounds?Share any unique traditions or practices that blend elements from both Taiwanese and American cultures.4. Bilingual and Multicultural Education for Children:Do you plan to provide your future children with bilingual and multicultural education?Discuss the importance of preserving cultural heritage while embracing diversity in upbringing.5. Dealing with Discrimination and Stereotypes:Have you ever faced discrimination or received peculiar treatment due to your cross-cultural relatiSupport the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾
Nurturing Security: A Holistic Approach to Financial, Emotional, Familial, and Societal Well-Being S2 EP 11
Mar 15 2024
Nurturing Security: A Holistic Approach to Financial, Emotional, Familial, and Societal Well-Being S2 EP 11
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)Explore the interconnected security aspects – financial stability, emotional well-being, familial bonds, and societal connections. Discover practical strategies to cultivate a sense of security in all areas of life for enhanced happiness and fulfillment.這篇文章探討了安全感的不同方面,包括金融、情感、家庭和社會,並提供了如何在這些層面建立穩固安全感的方法。Here's what we go over:五個主要要點:Financial Stability for Peace of Mind: (金融安全感)Learn effective budgeting techniques to manage finances and reduce financial stress.Establish a budgeting system using accessible tools like phone notes to track expenses.瞭解如何設立預算以管理財務。監控收入和支出,並設立符合個人需求的預算。Emotional Resilience Through Connection: (情感安全感)Understand the importance of emotional security in fostering resilience and well-being.Cultivate open communication and support within familial relationships for emotional stability.家庭成員提供情感支持,使人感到安全。建立情感連結,提供情感穩定感。Familial Bonds as Pillars of Security: (家庭安全感)Recognize the significance of familial relationships in providing a sense of belonging and security.Foster strong family connections through mutual understanding, forgiveness, and acceptance.家庭提供穩定的情感支持和安全感。了解家庭在提供安全感方面的重要性。Societal Connections and Community Support: (社會安全感)Acknowledge the role of societal connections in providing a supportive network and sense of community.Engage in community activities, volunteering, or social groups to foster a sense of belonging.社區和社會環境提供穩定性和安全感。參與社會活動和群體提供社會支持和連結感。Holistic Approach to Security and Well-Being:  (建立穩固的安全感)Embrace a holistic perspective on security, integrating financial, emotional, familial, and societal aspects.Prioritize self-care practices, including mindfulness, self-reflection, and personal growth, to nurture overall well-being.在不同層面尋找安全感的重要性。了解安全感對心理健康和幸福感的重要性。Today's other content that you have to check out!Episode about the Grand CanyonSupport the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾
Feb 4 2024
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)Silly Queries: Foreigners Tackling the Top Questions in Taiwan with Anita and Eric在這一輯輕鬆有趣的節目中,Anita和Eric以幽默感深入探討外國人在台灣最有趣且經常被問到的問題。從古怪的語言問題到有趣的文化好奇心,跟隨Anita向Eric提問他所面臨的最愚蠢的問題。探索跨文化交流的輕鬆一面,並從日常互動的愉快一面獲得新的視角。In this entertaining episode, Anita and Eric bring humor to the forefront as they delve into the most amusing and frequently asked questions that foreigners encounter in Taiwan. From quirky language inquiries to amusing cultural curiosities, join the laughter as Anita quizzes Eric on the silliest questions he's faced. Explore the lighthearted side of cross-cultural communication and gain a new perspective on the playful side of everyday interactions.Support the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾
Unlocking Fulfillment: Taiwanica Brings Inspirational Insights on Love, Self-Discovery, and Emotional Wellness S2 EP 9
Jan 25 2024
Unlocking Fulfillment: Taiwanica Brings Inspirational Insights on Love, Self-Discovery, and Emotional Wellness S2 EP 9
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)Let's dive into a self-discovery journey with Taiwanica Podcast, exploring love, relationships, and personal growth stories that create fulfillment. In this episode, you will gain valuable emotional wellness tips, relationship advice, and insights into the finer details of life. Let's go!讓我們一同進入《Taiwanica Podcast》的自我發現之旅,探索愛情、關係,以及獨特的個人成長故事,尋找心靈滿足感。在這一集中,你將獲得寶貴的情緒健康管理知識、人際關係相關建議,以及生活細節的深刻見解。Let's go!These are the highlights of the episode we think you'll love:Finding Fulfillment Through Identity: Explore how identifying various roles and desired identities can lead to a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.Career Fulfillment: Delve into the importance of aligning your career choices with your passions, emphasizing that fulfilling work is a right, not a privilege.Dreams to Reality: Learn the power of turning dreams into reality by taking small, consistent steps toward your goals and challenging yourself to dream big.Overcoming Fears and Challenges: Understand the significance of pushing boundaries, overcoming fears, and embracing challenges to unlock new abilities and experiences.Expansion as a Sign of Fulfillment: Recognize the expansion in your life by engaging in activities that not only fulfill you but also contribute to personal growth, creating a ripple effect in various aspects of your life.這是我們認為你會喜愛的本集重點:透過身份找到滿足感:探索識別不同角色和期望身份如何帶來深刻的目標和滿足感。職業滿足感:深入探討將職業選擇與熱情相一致的重要性,強調滿足的工作是一種權利,而非特權。夢想成真:學會將夢想變成現實的力量,透過朝著目標邁出小而堅定的步伐,挑戰自己有更大的夢想。克服恐懼和挑戰:了解突破界限、克服恐懼,並迎接挑戰的重要性,解鎖新的能力和經歷。擴展作為滿足的象徵:認識生活中的擴展,參與不僅滿足自己而且有助於個人成長的活動,在生活的各個方面產生漣漪效應。Here is the book we mentioned in this episode by Simon SinekSupport the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾
Falling in Love with Yourself: Unveiling Relationship Patterns and Healing Trauma | Taiwanica Solo S2 EP 8 with Anita
Jan 14 2024
Falling in Love with Yourself: Unveiling Relationship Patterns and Healing Trauma | Taiwanica Solo S2 EP 8 with Anita
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)愛上自己:揭開感情模式與療癒創傷之謎 | Taiwanica SOLO第8集與AnitaJoin Anita in this Taiwanica Solo episode as she delves into the keys to building healthier connections. Here are three highlights:Discover the Power of Self-Adjustment:Learn how becoming the person you want to be in a relationship is the first step to finding true love. Anita shares practical tips on self-adjustment to break patterns and foster positive connections.Wisely Navigate Relationship Conflicts:Anita's metaphor of building a house emphasizes the importance of adjusting and adapting during conflicts. Explore how changing your approach and communication style can bring harmony to your relationships.Heal from Past Trauma:Explore the significance of identifying and forgiving past traumas. Anita shares personal experiences and a step-by-step guide to healing, highlighting how forgiveness has transformative effects on your current and future relationships.加入Anita在《Taiwanica》的獨白,她深入探討建立更健康感情的關鍵。以下是三個亮點:發現自我調整的力量:學習如何成為你想在關係中成為的人是找到真愛的第一步。Anita分享了有關自我調整的實用技巧,幫助您打破模式,培養積極的連接。以智慧應對關係衝突:Anita建築房屋的隱喻強調了在衝突期間進行調整和適應的重要性。探索改變您的方法和溝通風格如何帶來更和諧的關係。從過去的創傷中療癒:發現識別和原諒過去創傷的重要性。Anita分享了個人經歷和一個關於療癒的逐步指南,強調原諒對您目前和未來關係的轉變性影響。Join this episode of Taiwanica as Anita explores profound insights into relationships. Discover why falling in love with yourself is the key to finding true love and how identifying and healing past traumas can transform your connections. Anita shares personal experiences, practical advice, and steps for self-adjustment in relationships. Whether you're seeking love, exploring friendships, or enhancing self-awareness, this episode provides valuable insights. Connect with Anita on her new Instagram page dedicated to love and relationships. Tune in for an hour of wisdom, guidance, and a journey towards healthier, more fulfilling connections. #LoveandRelationships #HealingTrauma #TaiwanicaSoloEpisode #SelfLove加入《Taiwanica》的這一集,聆聽Anita對感情的深刻見解。了解為什麼愛上自己是尋找真愛的關鍵,以及識別和治愈過去創傷如何改變您的連接。Anita分享了個人經歷、實用建議和自我調整在感情中的步驟。不論您是尋找愛情,還是在探索友誼,或是想要增強自我意識,這一集都提供了寶貴的見解。在Anita的新Instagram專頁上與她聯繫,該專頁專注於愛情和關係,並加入不斷壯大的台灣風情社群。收聽一小時的智慧、指導,以及朝著更健康、更充實的感情之旅。#愛與關係 #創傷療癒 #自愛Support the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾
Unlocking the Power of Meditation: Benefits, Techniques, and Practical Insights (Eric Solo) EP 7 S2
Jan 8 2024
Unlocking the Power of Meditation: Benefits, Techniques, and Practical Insights (Eric Solo) EP 7 S2
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)啟動冥想之力:好處、技巧和實用見解Join Eric on the Taiwanica podcast in an enlightening episode that unveils the transformative potential of meditation. Delve into the essence of meditation practice, debunk myths, and explore the incredible array of physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Discover practical tips, such as ideal timings, places, and techniques, to integrate meditation seamlessly into your daily life. Eric shares invaluable insights on enhancing focus, creativity, and managing emotions through mindfulness. Embrace a journey toward inner peace and self-improvement through meditation.加入台灣百科節目中的 Eric,探索一個啟發人心的集散地,揭示冥想的轉化潛力。深入了解冥想實踐的本質,揭開迷思,探索驚人的身心靈好處。發現實用的技巧,例如理想的時間、地點和技巧,將冥想無縫地融入您的日常生活。Eric分享了寶貴的見解,如何通過正念增強專注力、創造力,並管理情緒。通過冥想,踏上通往內在平靜和自我提升的旅程。Here are some key points that Eric talks about:Physical Benefits of Meditation:Regular meditation can heighten pain tolerance, effectively reducing discomfort in areas like stiff shoulders or knees. Eric's personal experience highlights how consistent meditation practice helps alleviate such pains, making them less noticeable or even disappearing. This physical benefit underscores meditation's potential to manage and alleviate common bodily discomforts.Mental Clarity and Focus:Eric emphasizes that meditation enables individuals to quiet the mind's repetitive chatter, enhancing focus, creativity, and mental clarity. By reducing the need to constantly absorb information, meditation empowers individuals to turn down the volume on internal chatter, fostering relaxation and a more relaxed state of mind. This mental benefit allows for better decision-making and a more serene approach to daily scenarios.Emotional Wellness and Conscious Presence:Through meditation, individuals can process emotions by being consciously present in the moment. Eric compares emotions to layers of glasses obstructing one's perception of reality. Meditation gradually removes these layers, allowing for clearer emotional processing and a more direct experience of the present. This emotional benefit highlights meditation's ability to foster emotional wellness and a deeper connection with one's inner state.這裡是Eric談到的一些要點:冥想的身心益處:定期冥想能提高痛苦忍受力,有效減輕肩頸僵硬Support the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾
Unlocking Happiness: The Power of Gratitude for a Fulfilling Life | Key Takeaways Inside! S2 EP 5
Dec 15 2023
Unlocking Happiness: The Power of Gratitude for a Fulfilling Life | Key Takeaways Inside! S2 EP 5
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)學會感恩的力量!如何改善生活以及增進快樂感 | 重要知識點與感人引言Discover the profound impact of gratitude on happiness in our latest episode! Learn 5 actionable takeaways to transform your perspective and embrace a positive life. Join us as we dive deep into the transformative power of gratitude and its role in shaping a joyful existence. Tune in for insights, practical tips, and a journey towards a more fulfilling life!今天的節目分享了如何透過感恩改善生活、擁有更多快樂感。其中包括5個重要知識點,還有引人入勝的片段,助您了解更多。別錯過!Understanding the profound influence of gratitude on happiness.Techniques to switch from negative to positive perspectives.Cultivating resilience through the practice of gratitude.Embracing gratitude as a tool for personal growth and well-being.The transformative impact of gratitude on relationships and daily life.感恩提升幸福感正面心態對身心健康有益充滿感恩,增進人際關係感恩培養更大的抗壓力正向思考帶來更多幸運Cultivate a joyful life through the incredible impact of gratitude and a positive mindset in our latest podcast! Delve into enlightening conversations on happiness strategies, emotional wellness, and personal development, exploring mindfulness, resilience, and effective life-transforming techniques. Join us for insightful discussions and actionable advice for a more fulfilling and happier life journey. 透過我們最新的播客,感受感恩和正面心態的驚人影響,綻放快樂人生!深入探討快樂策略、情緒健康和個人成長,探索正念、心理韌性和有效的改變生活技巧。參與我們的討論,獲得富含見解的對話和實用建議,開啟更充實、更快樂的人生旅程。Support the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾
Mastering Overwhelm: Practical Strategies for Mindfulness & Balance | Taiwanica Podcast Episode S2 EP 4 Pt. 2
Nov 21 2023
Mastering Overwhelm: Practical Strategies for Mindfulness & Balance | Taiwanica Podcast Episode S2 EP 4 Pt. 2
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)今日重點:戰勝壓力、提升心靈平衡!|Taiwanica PodcastIn this insightful episode, discover expert tips to conquer overwhelm and reclaim balance in life. Uncover the power of being present, effective morning routines, meditation, and more. Join us to learn five key takeaways and transform your approach to daily challenges.在本集中,我們分享了有效的時間管理技巧,探討了壓力管理及自我覺察的重要性,以及如何在日常中保持自我平衡。我們分享了五個重點收穫,並提供方法來應對挑戰,建議早晨的習慣以及靈性修練的重要性。快來聽聽我們的建議,讓你的生活更加充實!Key Takeaways:Embrace the power of being present to navigate overwhelm effectively.Establish an intentional morning routine for a balanced start to the day.Learn the transformative impact of meditation and yoga on stress management.Overcome overwhelm by disconnecting, being active, and spending time with nature.Cultivate curiosity and reduce attachment for a more balanced perspective.5個重點收穫學會放鬆,降低壓力保持當下的專注重視早晨的習慣與靈性修練找到自己的平衡點培養正面情緒,享受當下Support the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾
Overcoming Overwhelm: Strategies to Manage Stress & Take Control | Taiwanica Podcast S2 EP 4 Pt. 1
Nov 16 2023
Overcoming Overwhelm: Strategies to Manage Stress & Take Control | Taiwanica Podcast S2 EP 4 Pt. 1
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)戰勝壓力:管理壓力與掌控生活Feeling overwhelmed by the daily grind? Join Anita and Eric on Taiwanica Podcast as they share invaluable strategies to conquer stress, prioritize tasks, and regain control. Discover practical advice and expert insights to navigate overwhelming situations effectively! Tune in now for actionable tips and a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.感到日常生活壓力重重?快來收聽台灣探索 Podcast 最新一集,Anita 和 Eric 將分享無價的策略,幫助您克服壓力、優先處理任務,重新掌控生活。即刻加入,探索可行的建議和專家見解,有效應對壓力情境!現在就收聽,獲得可行的貼士,追求更健康、更平衡的生活方式。Taiwanica Podcast's latest episode is about Anita and Eric discussing practical strategies to overcome overwhelm in daily life. Discover key takeaways, including tips on managing stress, prioritizing tasks, and achieving a work-life balance. Learn how to combat overwhelm with actionable steps and insightful discussions on maintaining mental clarity. 在Taiwanica Podcast 最新一集中,Anita 和 Eric 將討論實用的策略,幫助您克服日常生活中的壓力。發現五大關鍵要點,包括管理壓力、優先處理任務和實現工作與生活的平衡。了解如何以可行的步驟應對壓力,以及如何保持心智清晰。加入我們,探索專家見解,以及如何有效地應對壓力的實用建議!Join us for expert insights and practical advice on navigating overwhelming situations effectively!Here are 5 Key Takeaways:Practical strategies for managing overwhelm in daily life.Tips on prioritizing tasks and achieving a work-life balance.Insights on combating stress and maintaining mental clarity.Expert advice on taking control and overcoming overwhelming situations.Actionable steps to tackle stress and anxiety effectively.這裡有 5 個主要要點:日常生活中管理壓力的實用策略。關於優先處理任務和實現工作與生活平衡的提示。對抗壓力並保持心智清晰的見解。控制局面和戰勝壓力的專家建議。應對壓力和焦慮的可行步驟。Support the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾
Fostering a Sense of Belonging: Building Deeper Connections with Eric and Anita S2 EP 3
Nov 6 2023
Fostering a Sense of Belonging: Building Deeper Connections with Eric and Anita S2 EP 3
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)Unlocking the Power of Belonging: Transforming Loneliness into Connection and Happiness發現歸屬的力量:將孤獨轉化為聯繫和幸福Join Eric and Anita in this episode as they explore the profound concept of a sense of belonging. Discover the differences between fitting in and truly belonging, learn the importance of vulnerability, and learn how to contribute to your community for deeper connections and happiness.在這一集中,與Eric和Anita一起探索一個深遠的概念 - 歸屬感。了解『融入』和『真正歸屬』之間的區別,學會『脆弱』的重要性,學會貢獻給你所屬的群體更深的連結及喜樂。Explore the transformative power of belonging as we delve into turning loneliness into connection and happiness. Join us in this insightful episode where we discuss the nuances of fitting in versus true belonging and the importance of embracing vulnerability. Discover how asking for help, contributing to your community, and nurturing authentic connections can make you feel like you truly belong. Dive into the rich conversation on building genuine relationships, both in English and Taiwanese Chinese, as we provide emotional healing classes to help you connect with your true self.讓我們深入探討孤獨感轉化為連接和幸福的轉化力量。加入我們,參加這一個富有洞察力的節目,我們將討論適應和真正歸屬之間的微妙差異,以及擁抱脆弱性的重要性。發現如何尋求幫助、貢獻社區,並培養真正的聯繫,讓您感到真正屬於自己。深入討論建立真正的關係的豐富對話,無論是用英語還是台灣的中文,我們都提供情感療愈課程,幫助您與真正的自己建立聯繫。Here are the five takeaways from this episode:Embrace Vulnerability for Deeper Connections擁抱脆弱,建立更深的連結Ask for Help and Be Authentic尋求幫助,保持真實自我Contribution Creates Happiness貢獻變能帶來幸福Find Your Tribe, Not Just Your Family尋找屬於你的團體,不僅限是你的家庭Balance Connection and Self-fulfillment在人與人之間的連結和自我實現中找到平衡Support the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾
Breaking the Silence: Unveiling Vulnerability and Shame in Taiwan and the USA | Anita and Eric Share Their Journey S2 EP 2
Oct 29 2023
Breaking the Silence: Unveiling Vulnerability and Shame in Taiwan and the USA | Anita and Eric Share Their Journey S2 EP 2
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)In this eye-opening episode of Taiwanica Podcast, join hosts Anita and Eric as they courageously share their personal experiences with shame and vulnerability, unravel the true nature of these complex emotions, and reveal powerful strategies to increase awareness and overcome the shame that may be holding you back. Don't miss this candid conversation on self-compassion and personal growth.在這一集的Taiwanica Podcast 中,請加入主持人 Anita 和 Eric 的行列,他們勇敢地分享了自己在面對脆弱和羞恥時的個人經歷,揭示了這些複雜情感的真實本質,並揭示了提高警覺性並克服可能阻礙您前進的羞恥感的強大策略。別錯過這個關於自慈悲和個人成長的坦率對話。Key Take-Aways from the Episode (Episode on Overcoming Shame):來自本集節目(克服羞恥感的集):接受自己:關鍵是要學會接受自己,儘管有時候我們會感到羞愧。接受自己就是改變的第一步。(Acceptance of Self: The key is learning to accept ourselves, even when we feel shame. Accepting yourself is the first step towards change.)留意自己的內心:每天花點時間坐下來,專注於自我欣賞,不受外部干擾,這將幫助我們更了解自己。(Be Mindful of Your Inner Self: Take some time every day to sit down and focus on self-appreciation without external distractions. This will help us understand ourselves better.)開始改變:進行一些積極的改變,例如改變對他人的批評或羞愧觀念,這些變化將成為積極的替代品。(Initiate Change: Make positive changes, such as altering judgments or shame-based beliefs about others. These changes will serve as positive replacements.)慢動作功夫 (Qigong):慢動作的練習有助於提高自我控制,增強對自身的意識,並最終使您更加平和。(Qigong: Slow-motion practices help improve self-control, enhance self-awareness, and ultimately lead to greater peace.)冥想:這是一種提高自我意識的技巧,尤其在冥想中,有助於寬恕和接受過去和未來的行為。(Meditation: This technique enhances self-awareness, particularly during meditation, and aids in forgiving and accepting past and future actions.)Key Take-Away on Self-Disapproval:Self-Disapproval: Many people experience varying degrees of self-disapproval. Understanding that self-disapproval is the first step towards change and engaging in active inner transformation.Self-disapproval is an emotion we frequently encounter in our lives, but it does not mean that we are bad people. We need to learn to understand our self-disapproval and gradually accept it. Through this process, we can begin to change our inner world and create a more positive self-image.關於自我不滿的要點 (Key Take-Away on Self-Disapproval):自我不滿:許多人都有深淺不一的自我不滿感。要明白自我不滿是改變的第一步,並進行積極的內在轉化。Support the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾
Anita and Eric's Journey to Anger Management: Insights and Techniques S2 Ep1
Oct 23 2023
Anita and Eric's Journey to Anger Management: Insights and Techniques S2 Ep1
傳訊息給我們 (Send us a Text Message)In this episode of "Taiwanica," Anita and Eric dive into the complex world of emotions, focusing on anger. They explore how people in Taiwan and the USA deal with anger and its effects.Anita and Eric share their own experiences and discuss how culture and society influence how people express anger. They also talk about how anger impacts relationships and mental well-being, offering practical tips for handling it.They then explore the reasons behind feeling confused about anger and provide simple, useful techniques for managing it in different areas of life. Join them as they journey through the world of emotions and discover how to use anger for personal growth and better connections with others.在這一集的《Taiwanica》,Anita 和 Eric 深入探討了情感的複雜性,特別關注了憤怒。他們探索了台灣和美國人民如何處理憤怒以及其影響。Anita 和 Eric 分享了他們自己的經歷,並討論了文化和社會如何影響人們表達憤怒。他們還談到憤怒如何影響人際關係和心理健康,提供了實用的處理建議。然後,他們探討了對憤怒感到困惑的原因,並提供了簡單而實用的技巧,以應對不同生活領域中的憤怒。加入他們,一起遊歷情感的世界,發現如何運用憤怒實現個人成長,建立更好的人際關係。Support the Show.Check out our website! https://www.ericandanita.com/Our Sponsor Page Link Is here on Buy Me A Coffeehttps://www.buymeacoffee.com/TaiwanicaGet a version of your Self-Help Journal on Buymeacoffee.com/taiwanica/extrasTAKE A CLASS WITH US! W/ Erichttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/eric-mathews W/ Anitahttps://en.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/nita-wu ***Don't have an Amazing Talker account? No problem! You can easily sign up for one here 👇https://en.amazingtalker.com?aff_c_code=aff_c-bXzmWk&aff_p_code=aff_p-bXD5ix Check out articles written by Eric hereClick here for Anita's Love Coach Instagram See our IG HERE 👾