12. Race and Justice

The Faith and Justice Network

Feb 9 2022 • 41 mins

D.L. Mayfield and Peter Choi talk about our month of focusing on race and justice, discussing new books by Kelly Brown Douglas and Lisa Sharon Harper as well as texts that have been around a while by authors like Willie James Jennings and Robert Allen Warrior. They discuss the recent trend of opinion pieces in the mainstream media expressing nostalgia for better versions of Christianity in the past. Topics range from supersessionism to confederate monuments to epistemological privilege––all features of white supremacy that require closer examination if we are going to work for justice.

A few resources mentioned (get the books from your local bookstore, library, or wherever you get your books!):

We also want to note that the Faith and Justice Network is now available through a monthly or annual membership. If you want to join the conversation, we’d love to welcome you into our community! Learn more on our website.