Don't Burn Out, Burn Bright w/ Jason Young

Modern Church Leader

Sep 30 2023 • 41 mins

Ever felt the gnawing emptiness of burnout creeping in? Ever wished you had the tools to help you navigate through this daunting experience, especially in the realm of ministry? Well, I was fortunate to sit down with Jason, who has walked this road, fought the fight and come out stronger on the other side. With more than two decades of local church leadership under his belt, Jason candidly shared his journey of highs, lows, recovery and his newly penned book that seeks to help others in the same predicament.

We delved into the nitty-gritty of burnout, identifying its signs, unmasking the hidden culprits, and stressing on the absolute necessity of self-reflection for reclaiming hope. With Jason's wisdom, we broke down the concept of boundaries as gates, not walls, and how these can serve as our protective barriers to keep our wellbeing intact. You'll hear from Jason on the power of saying 'No', setting healthy boundaries and how to keep the right people close.

As we drew towards the end, we tackled the often difficult process of relinquishing control, especially when scaling a business or ministry, and the integral part trust plays in this. Jason also drove home the importance of health within ministry leadership, even recommending a resource, 'Fearless Organization' by Amy Edmondson, that underpins this. So, why not give this enlightening discussion with Jason a listen? Learn how you can not only stave off burnout, but how to thrive and burn brightly in all avenues of your life.