Love, consciousness and power - the elements of the cosmos

Conversations with the universe

Dec 30 2023 • 39 mins

translated from german to english via AI
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Embark on an exploration of the unseen, where the mystical dance between love and consciousness unfolds within the fabric of the cosmos. Joined by an ethereal guide, we traverse the vast expanse of soul physics, unveiling how the power of the soul is intricately linked to its growth potential. Our conversation meanders through the dynamic nature of the universe, where energetic levels beckon souls to higher planes of existence. We shed light on the profound impact religious doctrines can have on one's energy, and the importance of staying tethered to the cosmic flow. As we navigate the relationships between beings of various energetic statures, listen closely—you're about to discover how your own soul might be reaching out for and receiving celestial aid.

Prepare to be swept away by the soul-stirring concept of love as the ultimate catalyst for the soul's evolution. In this thought-provoking exchange, we dive into the transformative journey of the soul as it soars beyond the physical realm, amplifying its love and basking in newfound liberty. With laughter, we weave modern terminology into ancient wisdom, illustrating how even those in the afterlife's waiting room can send out powerful vibrations that resonate through the higher frequencies. We conclude with practical guidance on connecting with the cosmic forces that surround us, revealing exercises like the cosmic cross to fortify and enhance one's energetic potential. The universe, brimming with love's abundance, invites you to partake in its harmonious symphony—will you answer the call?