Episode #169: Fire The Headcanons!

Fuel Your Fandom

Dec 8 2023 • 1 hr 42 mins

Fans are often conditioned to see layers of subtext within their favorite entertainment properties. That's because sometimes the creators are intentionally building in sneaky plot hints for sharp-eyed devotées to discover. Or, putting in subtle references or background events that point to larger symbolic meanings. But most of the time, the human tendency to indulge gestalt musings leads us to assume things that may or may not actually be there. Three years ago, Jim's first episode as a co-host of Fuel Your Fandom centered on looking at fan theories. And since they couldn't get to them all the first time around, Saint and Jim thought the milestone warranted another trek through this fertile topic. So get ready to hear pop cultures ideas about everything from the nature of super-spy secret identities, to whether dinosaurs might have been friskier than they were hungry, to how a beloved Muppet may have been somehow been involved in a nefarious terrorist attack. Earhole time.