2.5 Journey 2 Wholeness: Restoration and Discipleship w/ Becky Alcantar

The Rise After the Fall

Dec 16 2022 • 1 hr 6 mins

Shawn and Sonny interview the author and co-founder of Journey 2 Wholeness, Becky Flores Alcantar.

What exactly is Journey 2 Wholeness? J2W is an in-depth and intense form of counseling offered through the Exchange Collaborative.

This restorative process explores the raw, real, and present nature of our memories. Memories imprinted perhaps decades ago.

How do we start to understand the awareness around these wounds, trauma, and brokenness? What influences our hearts and minds that create and control our behaviors, narratives, and thoughts?

Pastor in crisis? Get 1-on-1 restorative help with the Exchange Collaborative

Start the journey to become whole again with Journey to Wholeness


Becky Flores Alcantar is the author and co-founder of Journey to Wholeness. Becky is a writer and speaker passionate about mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness in the context of God’s word. She is committed to creating opportunities for men and women to understand how their histories, narratives, patterns, and unresolved traumas drive their behaviors, decisions, and relationships today. Becky is intent on living out Isaiah 61:1-3 in her everyday life, on sharing the good news of Jesus Christ to the poor in spirit, proclaiming freedom to the brokenhearted and those bound up in hurt, and sharing hope in areas that have been overlooked, and underserved.

Becky has been married for over 26 years to her best friend, Ruben, and has been blessed with three children, Risa, Rachel, and David. When not serving together as a family at church and in the community, you’ll find them actively seeking God in the beauty of His creation - on hikes, by the water, and chasing sunsets.


Email Pastor Shawn directly: theShawnhennessy@gmail.com

Connect with Pastor Shawn online

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Email Pastor Sonny directly: Sonny@theexchangebrand.com

Connect with Pastor Sonny online

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Near Green Bay, WI? Join Shawn and Sonny for a church service at Life Church Green Bay


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