Over Here And Over There The Impact

You And The Laws of Attraction

Jan 24 2023 • 43 mins

People assume because they are meditating, affirming, praying, going to church, proselytizing, tithing, volunteering, donating time, money, skills, and resources etc., that they get a hall pass for negative or negating behaviors.   By their guesstimation, a hall pass should, somehow magically irradicate all the negative stuff they are doing over here, that has the potential to block their desired manifestations, realizations, or blessings over there.

Or at the very least, they feel that the hall pass should takedown major hurdles that are standing in the way of their desired demonstration.   It’s important to understand that what you do, what you say, what you think, what you believe, and what you know, what you imagine, what you visualize touches every facet of your life.  It’s your living breathing reality.    What is another reality that has a lethal stinger attached is that we DON’T get hall passes in this life; we only get choices!