EP005: The Story of Genesis 3: Does it Predict that Jesus Will Crush Satan?

The Divine Council Worldview Podcast

Mar 25 2024 • 1 hr 41 mins

In this episode of the Divine Council Worldview Podcast Ronn Johnson and Mike Chu discuss the temptation and fall of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3. They debate the possible options presented by the serpent to Eve: was the temptation to become like “God,” or to become like himself, an elohim? And what did it mean for Adam and Eve to fear their “nakedness” when Yahweh entered the garden? The curses upon the snake, Eve, and Adam are lastly considered, specifically the famous “proto-gospel” passage of 3:15 which finds the seed of the woman crushing the head of the serpent. Could this “seed” be referring to Jesus?