EP004: Let's Consider if Genesis 1 & 2 Describe Separate Creation Stories

The Divine Council Worldview Podcast

Mar 18 2024 • 51 mins

In this episode of the Divine Council Worldview Podcast, Ronn Johnson and Mike Chu discuss the creation account of humanity and the implications of being made to be like/as divine beings (the “us” of Genesis 1:26). They “test drive” the possibility that Genesis 1 and 2 offer separate creation accounts, with Adam and Eve being formed and placed into a garden after an existing world had been populated with many plants, animals, and humans. The benefit of this option, as they understand it, is the later narrative of Genesis 4, where Cain appears to enter a populated world after his murder of Abel. Ronn refers to a recent book by S. Joshua Swamidass (“The Genealogical Adam and Eve”) which gives scientific support to the idea that a historical Adam and Eve provide the genealogical ancestry for the entire human race.

The Genealogical Adam and Eve: The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry by S. Joshua Swamidass