Nikki: An exhausting, confusing, tender first years with 3 under 2 | Episode 2

Blooming in Motherhood

May 22 2023 • 33 mins

Nikki is a mother of three, both by adoption and birth. Nikki describes her motherhood journey as going from “famine to feast” - after 7 years of trying to start a family, Nikki became a mom to three girls under two… in the midst of COVID and a cross-country move. Nikki shares about sleepless nights and loneliness, learning to ask for help, celebration, gaining resilience, and growth. Lots of growth.


Managing Sleep Deprivation as a New Parent

From Nikki:

Taking Cara Babies

The Connected Child by Karen Purvis

Adopted for Life by Russell Moore

Honestly Adoption Podcast

Calm Parenting Podcast