Spirit Filled

Monday Moments

Nov 27 2023 • 26 mins

Have you ever tried to push a big car? Depending on your strength, it may seem doable at first, but after a short while, even the stoutest among us would get tired. What if you knew that car was in perfect working order, it only needed a full tank of gas? Would you still continue to push it, insisting that your strength was enough, or would you fill it up as quickly as possible so you can really make progress on your journey?

Being filled with the Spirit is a common phrase heard in churches. It's the catalyst to living this Christian life. Without Him, it's impossible, much like pushing a car for more than a few miles. Jesus promised the gift of the Holy Spirit, and He intended for us to lean into this gift the way He did during His earthly ministry. So often we choose to try and do it on our own, unfortunately.