Prosperity And Provision

Monday Moments

Jun 19 2023 • 22 mins

How do you define "prosperity?" Is it a well diversified portfolio of assets? Is it money in the bank? Is it the relationships you have and maintain? Or is it something else entirely?

When God brought the Israelites out of Egypt, He gave them wealth beyond imagination literally overnight. In a span of a few hours they went from being slaves to some of the richest people of the day simply by asking. But that was only part of God's promise to them.

What follows is the tragic story of God's chosen people who would not or could not trust in God's steadfast love. They had left Egypt, but Egypt had not left them. When the going got tough, their first response was often to look back at what they had when they were slaves instead of looking forward to what God had for them.

It's the same for us today, sadly. We often trust more in what our eyes see, our minds reason, or our hearts feel rather than the truth of God's Word. In that way we are continuing to live and operate in a slave mentality. The good news is that God still wants to drive the Egyptians out of you for good.