157 The Believer’s Authority in the Old Testament

Pastor Vic's Nuggets of Truth

Mar 16 2023 • 18 mins

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God is the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever, Hebrews 13:8.

At the very end of my Last Post, I mentioned something about the authority that we have as Believers. So, I thought I would take some time to examine this important area of spiritual authority.

From the beginning of time, the Holy Spirit has been active. The Holy Spirit was key in creation; he was active in Old Testament times, the Holy Spirit was active and essential in the early Christian church, and finally, the Holy Spirit continues to be active in the lives of believers today.

Sometimes when we study the Bible, we think of the many miraculous events that took place in the past and make the mistake of thinking that it was for that time only. Let me remind you that the Bible says that “God is the same yesterday today and forever.” To me, that means that He is the same today as He was in the distant past.

We should never discount the miraculous. Our God is a miracle-working God; he does not change, and what has changed are the vessels or people He uses to fulfill His will.