TRAILER - Grab your keys and GO

Grab your Keys and Go

Jul 26 2023 • 2 mins

DOORS ARE OPEN until the 30th August - You are invited to become a founding member of our "Soul Presence membership space Come Journey with us, as together we explore the possiblities that await us, and ride the wave of each other's momentum as we move towards a heart led life.

Hi we are Nat and Mel from Soul Presence and have just released our podcast called Grab Your Keys and Go, join us for conversations that take women from Mess to Yes.

We have been getting curious about this for years now!

We are two mumma’s from Ocean Grove, Victoria, Australia who are passionate about women saying “Yes” and putting themselves back on their list.

Funny story how this all came about actually.

After having children, we unintentionally both found ourselves last on our list.

Have you noticed that when you have children your needs often drop off and at first it’s ok because you know and understand the needs of your little new person.

But after a while you get into a pattern and before you know it, you have forgotten how to meet your own needs.  Maybe you forgot that you even had needs!!

With a little bit of extra space as the kids got older we finally realised that our needs matter and at the same time this beautiful opportunity arrived in our lives that was a ‘BIG YES’.

And of course we jumped at the chance to spend time with incredible women each week, but with that came some challenges.

It would start out with chaos around the kitchen table, hurriedly getting dinner ready, conversations with our partner as we got all our ducks in a row so to speak before we gave ourselves the permission to leave.

Often rocking up late feeling flustered or in tears or giving up and not going at all.

Something had to change.  The mess might always be there so we came up with a catch phrase to help us get out the door and get to Circle

Just Grab your Keys and Go.

Mel, Just Grab your Keys and Go

Nat, Just Grab your Keys and Go

Sometimes we would text our friends when we knew they were having a tough day.  Just Grab Your Keys and Go.

Other times it was a friendly phone call,  Just Grab Your Keys and Go, we would say.

And finally we could leave the mess, the guilt and give ourselves permission to do the things that brought us joy.

And of course, you know what’s coming next….  The flow on effect of this is something we could never have imagined.

Here in Grab your Keys and Go we will through the laughter, tears, stories and learning, get curious about ourselves and have some fun playing with the possibilities.…

We will be chatting about anything and everything like:

Saying Yes

Our Ah ha moments

Mum Guilt

Noticing the gaps

Trusting Self

And sharing all our best GRAB YOUR KEYS and GO moments because who doesn't love a good win to celebrate!

Come and have some fun with us.

Want to know more or contribute to some of these juicy conversations?  We invite you to come and join us over in our ' Grab your Key and Go' Facebook group

Until our next chat, have fun noticing the possibilities as you Grab Your Keys and GO!

Subscribe to, “Grab your Keys and Go” podcast now wherever you get your podcasts, and together let’s go from Mess to YES.